Technology computers-hardware

IBM Model M Buckling Spring Keyboards: Typing Joy

If you do a lot of typing on your computer, you might want to check out one of the old-school buckling spring keyboards. The old IBM Model M keyboards from the 80's and 90's are buckling spring type keyboards, and typing on one of these classic keyboards is a joy.

The current keyboards that ship with your typical Mac, Linux or Windows computer are membrane type keyboards. A small piece of plastic under each key returns the key back into position after you press down on it. But the old style IBM Model M keyboards have mechanical buckling springs, an actual spring, under each key that returns the key back to position.

The difference is amazing. It's as if the keyboard manufacturing companies sort of lulled us computer users into a lesser quality product without even a peep from the end users. Hey, it's ergonomic! It's got cool colors! And somewhere along the line the heavy mechanical switches were replaced with plastic. And a generation of new computer users never knew what hit them.

So where can I get one of these mechanical spring keyboards? Well, if you've been using a computer since the dawn of the internet, say, around '94, you may have one in your closet! If you find an old IBM Model M you'll need to clean it up and then get a PS2 to USB connector to connect it to your computer. Alternatively you can search out old computer nerds and go rummaging through their closets. These keyboards turn up at garage sales all the time, usually sitting on top of some dusty old 286 era computer.

If you aren't lucky enough to find one, then call your local computer shop and ask them if they've got any mechanical switch, or buckling spring keyboards for sale. There's only a few companies manufacturing the old style keyboards so you may strike out here. But if they do have some in stock, it's nice to test it out first hand to see what all the fuss is about. Once you use one, even if only while standing in the keyboard aisle banging out some imaginary email, you'll be hooked.

Online, UniComp in Kentucky still makes the buckling spring keyboards. These are brand new and come with a usb cable standard, so you don't have to go with an unsightly connector. Here's the link to UniComp: [].

One small word of warning before you sail off into keyboard Nirvana, the buckling spring keyboards are a bit noisy. They make a clackety clack noise when typing, which most don't mind, but if you have a baby in the house sleeping near the computer... Other than that, these keyboards will provide years of quality service and you'll wonder how you ever typed without one.

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