Technology computers-hardware

Video: How to Add Folders Instead of Files to SkyDrive

Video Transcript

Hey, this is Charles Henson, with National Computer. In this video I'm gonna show you how to add folder instead of just files to your SkyDrive account. The reason you might want to do this is you're trying to organize different files into different folders, and you don't want them all under one large folder. So the first thing we want to do is open up Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, browser of your choice, and we'll go to Once there you'll need to enter in your user name and your password, and once we're logged into there, you'll click on sign in, and once we do that you'll see all of the documents and all of your folders that are existing inside of SkyDrive and that have synchronized with your work station or your laptop. So the first thing we'll want to do here is we want to go up to click on create, and under create we'll choose folder. Now here it's gonna ask us what folder name that we're gonna chose. So, for the purpose of this video we're just gonna create an eHow videos folder, and we'll click on the create button. Once I create this folder, you'll see the folder listed there. You'll click on eHow videos, and once here we can either drag files from other folders, or we can simply create a new document. And here for the purpose of this video, we're just gonna create test document, and it creates like a Word document here. If you'll notice at the bottom, it's gonna automatically say save to SkyDrive. So once this document is created, we can just look down here, verify that it says saved to SkyDrive, and then we can close out of this document. Once this document is closed, you'll be back at the main eHow videos folder, and you'll see the document is now created there. You can click on the document and you'll see that it has saved your changes and the files are there. So again, this is really a good way to organize your files, and have your files synchronized with any device that you're using with the SkyDrive software. So, once you've used the SkyDrive, be sure to go ahead and log out of your SkyDrive so that you be sure that no one has access to your files.

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