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Signs of a Dying Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS Battery

When should I replace my Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS battery? If you are planning your monthly financial expenditure, and or want to avoid the inconvenience a battery for Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS that dies before the anticipated time can cause, look out for the following three signs of a dying battery for Toshiba:

Low capacity

When new, a Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS battery can power a laptop well for over five hours. After a couple of months to one year, the capacity drops by around 25 percent, due to age and user related loss. After two years, or approximately 300 charging cycles, the capacity of the battery for Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS in question drops by over 75 percent, charging a laptop optimally for a couple of minutes to an hour. If you notice your Toshiba battery has lost over 75 percent of its capacity, this is a clear indicator that you should start planning for a replacement. Before you toss the battery in question, do the following to ascertain this fact: First, test your Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS adapter and check if it is working optimally. Use a voltmeter or multimeter to check the status of the adapter, and make changes if necessary. If your adapter if working well calibrate the battery (especially if it is a nickel-based design), and then check whether there is any change. Failure at this point means that you have to replace the battery in your laptop computer, to restore normal performance.

Charging problems

A battery for Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS that is failing or has reached the prime of its life experiences frequent charging issues that can easily frustrate users. The battery might charge normally for a couple of minutes then fail for the next hour. The cycling can continue for days and even weeks, before the battery for Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS stops charging completely. Again, after you have ascertained that your Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS adapter is working well as highlighted above, clean the battery, and then re-sit it on the laptop contacts, to ascertain whether the problem you are experiencing is a result of battery death or degradation. Slide the latch of the battery housing at the back of your laptop and remove the battery. Clean it thoroughly and sit it well in the compartment. Turn on your laptop and calibrate your battery. If the charging issues persist, visit a store, and buy another battery for Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS.

How to find the best battery for Toshiba PA3399U-2BAS battery

Finding an excellent battery replacement or Toshiba laptop adapter for PA3399U-2BAS is not as easy as many people think. While many people think that the cheapest is the best, fake batteries have infiltrated the niche. They cost Toshiba enthusiast millions in lost revenues, damaged laptops, and even act as security threats. Instead of dealing with the first wholesaler or retailer of laptop batteries you identify in an advertisement, or on the first page of Google, understand how a company works, before initiating a financial transaction. For instance, which types of batteries does the company sells? What are its terms and conditions shipment, warranty status, money back guarantee, etc.)? Does it have an excellent customer support system? Request for quotes from different companies, compare what each store offers, and then buy from the best. Overall, ensure the battery you buy is original and importantly, compatible with your Toshiba computer.

For the original version visit: For more information about Toshiba PA3285U battery, please go to

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