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How do I Replace the Muffler on a 1997 Honda Accord EX Coupe?

    • 1). Park the Accord on a flat, level surface and set the parking brake.

    • 2). Position the jack under the rear of the vehicle, in the center of the frame. Lift the car and place jack stands under both axles.

    • 3). Cut the pipe from the muffler to the catalytic converter with a hacksaw. Make the cut about 1 1/2 inches from the muffler. If the pipe is held on with pipe clamps, remove the bolts holding the pipe clamps in place with a socket wrench. When they are sufficiently loosened, slide the pipe clamps onto the pipe close to the catalytic converter.

    • 4). Spray the bolts holding the muffler hanger with penetrating lubricant. The muffler gets wet from being exposed, and the bolts have a tendency to rust shut. Let the lubricant soak in, then remove the bolts with a socket wrench.

    • 5). Remove the muffler from the muffler hangers. Handle the muffler carefully as it can be heavy.

    • 6). Place the new muffler in the wire hangers and tighten them down most of the way with a socket wrench. Leave a little bit of slack so the muffler can be positioned against the catalytic converter.

    • 7). Weld the muffler to the catalytic converter pipe. Make sure the weld is strong because the muffler will have to handle a lot of stress.

    • 8). Tighten the muffler hanger bolts completely. Remove the jack stands and lower the Accord.

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