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Forget the Professionals - Best (And Cheapest) Mac OS X Data Recovery Software Solution

Accidents do happen.
Maybe you've accidentally formatted or deleted your Mac partition or your important files have simple gone missing.
Sometimes, during an operating system upgrade, files and data can be lost too.
This is in fact, a very common scenario, in particular after the recent release of the OS X Tiger.
If one of the above scenarios occur, most people's first reaction is to search for a Mac data recovery company that could to recover their deleted files, pictures or data.
However, once they find a data recovery service company that will help, hope soon gives way to despair, as they realize they are looking a quote that says: $3000! There is Hope: Mac Data Recovery Software If you would like to undelete files deleted from your Mac hard drive, you will be glad to know that there is hope and it doesn't have to be costly.
Do not waste time and money on the so called Mac "data recovery professionals" when there is software out there, which these companies actually use themselves, and you can too to recover your deleted files.
There are simple answers as to why the data recovery companies can get away at charging these astronomical fees for recovering data.
Firstly, the demand for data recovery is inelastic.
Their primarily target clients are corporate clients and small businesses who, when they run into a situation when data goes missing, are willing to pay whatever it costs to get their data back.
Every day lost means thousands of dollars in costs for a business so a few thousand tax deductible dollars is a price they are willing to pay.
The primary reason is still people's ignorance.
People still don't realize that there is software out there for the Mac OS X that they can download for free online, scan their hard drive, preview the recoverable files and recover them.
What's worse, these so called 'data recovery professionals' are using the same software themselves (which costs less than $100) to retrieve files for people! Recover Your Deleted Mac Files & Data, The Smart Way If you are looking to restore lost, deleted, corrupt or inaccessible data from your Mac or any kind of data storage media, including digital camera memory cards - rest assured because it can be done and your precious data can be retrieved cheaply.
The best data recovery software programs for Macs such as Data Rescue II and Stellar Mac Recovery can help you recover data from corrupt, lost or deleted or crashed hard disk drives or any other storage devices.
Mac data recovery software will also work if you want to restore lost data from Mac volumes HFS & HFS+.

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