Technology computers-hardware

Miami Ink TV Show

Seeing a piece of paper roll out of a printer with words ready to be read diminishes all the creative thought that went into creating those words.
The printed ink takes on shape and form but how those words and shapes actually made it to the page is sort of taken for granted.
Most who look at the letters and shapes will just shrug and indicate"ok...
letters and shapes.
" Little do they understand what the person who put those letters and shapes onto the paper went through to accomplish the task, let alone the people who manufactured the computer, the printer or the ink print cartridges for that matter.
In this thinking the old statement "there's more to it than meets the eye" begins to ring true.
Body art There is little dissent in the fact that tattoos are a very real creative art form.
Ink applied to the body has existed thought time.
In many instances, the practice is a spiritual thing connecting the body to a "higher meaning.
" The "higher meaning" being whatever the wearer happens to make it.
In its own way, The Learning Channels new show Miami Ink explores these two aspects of expression; how does the ink moving from its cartridges manifest a "higher meaning" through a tattoo and how does the creative nature and lifestyle of the person applying the ink figure into the process.
Personalities There is a commonality between writing/ tattooing as apposed to writing/tattooing and technical application.
At a theoretical technical level this may break down a bit but in a pure application sense technical thought is fairly black and white.
The technical item in question works or it does not work.
The technician may need to be creative in finding the solution but in the end it comes down to does the thing work.
In this regard, it takes a certain personality, and a particular section of the brain, to understand this type of concept.
When applying ink or words and shapes a differing part of the brain is used along with a differing set of guidelines.
Abstract thought becomes more of the norm.
Does the ink coming from the ink print cartridges need to form this font or that, does the idea really fit on the page/body in the way intended, should the color of the image begin to change a bit here or just a bit further on.
There is no yes or no in these questions, it is a creative thought following guidelines to work within.
The effort is in the staying somewhere near the guideline, whether inside or outside of the line is the objective and creative process.
The ink flows as the writer/artist/ink decides it will.
Personality As in the TV show Miami Ink personalities dictate the look and feel of the art being applied.
A rough night out may mean a different result the next day.
The cast of Miami Ink certainly shows this aspect as the ink sometime flies.
This is to be expected as the search for that "higher meaning" may take many forms and hopefully in a positive form on a persons body.

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