Yoga : Health & Medical

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Use Your Free First Class the Right Way to Grow Your Yoga Business

Use Your Free First Class the Right Way to Grow Your Yoga Business

I see so many studios offering free first classes, getting students in the door through this promotion, and then leaving it up to the students to figure out for themselves what they're supposed to get out the whole darn experience. Here's some insight: most students leave the studio bewild
What Is Yoga?

What Is Yoga?

By spiritual experience throughout the centuries it has been granted by men that life has a goal. According to the teachings of Veda, Upanishads, epics the goal is to realize God or to realize one's ...
Top Reasons To Buy A Maya Fiennes Dvd

Top Reasons To Buy A Maya Fiennes Dvd

Maya Fiennes has been one of the pioneering proponents of Kundalini Yoga. She has been instrumental in creating a unique technique for Kundalini Yoga.
Yoga: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Yoga: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is a text that covers many aspects of life, beginning with a code of conduct and ending with the goal of yoga, a vision of one's true Self.The Pantajali'sYoga Sutras is probabl
How to Explain Hatha Yoga

How to Explain Hatha Yoga

Because there are many new and wildly different styles of yoga, and because many people only have vague notions about yoga based on depictions in popular media, defining hatha yoga to newcomers can be a challenge. Trying to explain the entire history may feel daunting. You don't have to teach everyt
Eight Great Reasons To Observe Yoga

Eight Great Reasons To Observe Yoga

1.Yoga is good for your health.Considering that a lot of illnesses are connected to stress, yoga simply maybe what your body needs. It improves relaxation, posture, respiratory and includes meditation kind exercises and proper diet. Yoga is great for lowering levels of tension and anxiety that is cl
Meditation In Yoga

Meditation In Yoga

The benefits of yoga are a good skin, a sweet odor, slight excretions, lightness, & steadiness. Of all the practices of yoga, two are essential: Raja Yoga & Hatha Yoga.
What is Better, Yoga Or Pilates?

What is Better, Yoga Or Pilates?

Yoga and pilates are two totally different concepts but are regularly grouped together as a wellness or rehabilitation exercise. If you can't decide which discipline is best suited for your needs and goals, read my pro and cons list to help you choose the best option.
Outwit Pregnancy-Related Back Pain: Take the Yoga Challenge

Outwit Pregnancy-Related Back Pain: Take the Yoga Challenge

Many women naturally assume that back pain and pregnancy go together like a baby and a rattle. But, you don't really need to accept it. You can outwit it. Try prenatal yoga!
Taking a Yoga Class

Taking a Yoga Class

Taking a yoga class is a great way to experience yoga. No special equipment is required other than lose fitting or baggy clothing, and yoga classes can be found in many places. Your health club may have them, there are specialty yoga studios, or you can hire an instructor for private lessons.
Simple Breathing Meditation

Simple Breathing Meditation

If you're just starting to meditate then a breathing meditation is probably one of the best places to start.
Building Your Own Yoga Practice

Building Your Own Yoga Practice

Building your own yoga practice is a very rewarding endeavour. It's nice to not have to think about it in class, but to develop your own practice gives you the benefit of customizing your routine, to your own likes and needs. Of course, you need experience. Even this basic guideline requires a
Hatha Yoga For Personal Growth and Empowerment

Hatha Yoga For Personal Growth and Empowerment

Where can you find concrete advice? Advice, in and of itself, is a form of connecting personal opinions, personal belief systems, and personal values into a recommendation. Therefore, if you obtain the advice of another, it is his or her personal opinion. In some ways, each of us would like to resig
Trapeze - How to Hang the Trapeze Unit to Your Yoga Inversion Stand

Trapeze - How to Hang the Trapeze Unit to Your Yoga Inversion Stand

This article is about how to put your Trapeze unit together to hang to your Yoga Inversion Swing System. You will be able to put it together quickly and correctly.
Yoga Health News

Yoga Health News

Yoga Health Foundation announces Yoga Month 092008, a global awareness campaign to inspire a healthy lifestyle.
Yoga - An Early History

Yoga - An Early History

A look at the early history of yoga.
Stretch Marks Removal Los AngelesGo For It

Stretch Marks Removal Los AngelesGo For It

Stretch Mark Removal - Pregnancy to most women comes with great changes on the body which leaves them very different from how they looked before.
Don't Give Your Power Away

Don't Give Your Power Away

Meditation is one way You communicate with God, The One or The Beginning of Everything, whatever You want to call It. You should not let anything or anybody comes between You and The One. A good meditation technique is the one which let you to have a direct access. You might learn a technique from s