Health & Medical Yoga

Yoga Exercises to Help You Lose Weight

Yoga was not just a way to keep fit.
It was a way of life for the ancients of India.
A good diet with lots of fruit and vegetables along with yoga and meditation were some of the reasons why these ancient people lived for such a long time.
Yoga started gaining popularity in the West in the 1960s.
Back then the people began to look at the old Eastern traditions and special practices as ways to keep healthy, fit and fine.
In fact, you can get rid of all that extra fat in your body just by doing some easy yoga exercises.
Remember that yoga does not advocate the stressing of the body in any fashion.
And this is the reason why it has to be done extremely gently with one movement flowing into another harmoniously.
Remember to ask your doctor whether you are fit enough to do yoga exercises.
You could start with the bending exercise.
Place your feet apart and raise your hands above your head.
Inhale, touch your feet, exhale and come back to previous position.
Repeat this exercise 5 times.
Now lie down on the mat and straighten your legs.
Raise them up slowly.
Now slowly take your legs down towards your head.
Try to touch the mat in this curved pose.
Come back to your normal position.
Do this 5 times.
It is extremely difficult to do it, especially if you have a big belly, but you are soon going to see a difference in your weight and ab muscles.
Sit down with your legs straight.
Try to touch your knees to your head while keeping your hands above your head.
Go back to the normal position, and repeat 5 times.
Now, standing straight, raise your hands to your shoulder level.
Now, touch your left foot with your right hand and your right food with your left hand.
Come back to the original position and repeat the exercise 5 more times.
After you have done this exercise, you would want to relax.
Lie down with your hands and your legs at 45°.
Start taking deep breaths, and relax yourself completely for 20 minutes.
When you get up, you have to flex your fingers as well as your toes.
Then curl into a fetal position and sit up.
This last yoga exercise is normally used for meditation.
You get rid of all the tension in the body.
These yoga exercises are going to keep you really healthy and fit.
In fact, yoga and meditation guarantee good health.

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