Health & Medical Yoga

Don"t Give Your Power Away

We have seen many living saints lately, and we have seen problems that come with their organizations.
Individually, may be he or she does not have any ill intention towards his or her followers.
The most common problem is when a Spiritual Organizationgrows bigger and bigger, certain group of people tend to take advantage of the situation.
They might create their own set of rules saying: The Master or Baba (or whatever holy names they are using)wants you to do this and that..
Some of them even commercialize the whole things (selling pictures, piece of the holy man's clothing, etc) leading to individual worshiping.
Even a true living saint should realized that he or she is only a Facilitator of God, The Beginning of Everything, not more than that.
A true living saint would teach and act as part of the Divine, not becoming the Divine itself.
So, when You learn Meditation or other Spiritual practice from someone who endorse other than Pure Unconditional Love, stay away! When you knowyour Guru is saying things not in accordance of Divine Love & Lights about other method, other Teacher, for what ever reason, stay away.
Fear, being one of the most commonly used form of controlling, is frequently used by these Gurus.
Some of them might set a date as the end of the world and ask you to do certain things.
Historically, we have seen or heard of these types, and none of them is true.
They are only capitalizing on their followers Fear.
God himself never put a date when He is going to end all of this.
Religion, a certain Spiritual practice such as Meditation group or certain belief system often uses Fear to control their followers.
This is not entirely bad, as long as it does not separate You as a Light Being and The One.
If You are in full consciousness that nothing could come between Yourself and The One, then you are alright.
God never use Fear to control us.
God radiates Pure Unconditional Love at all times Fear only works for those who are not aware that we are all Light Beings choosing to undergo human experience.
After all, we are all part of The One, we are all Light Beings that should live in Pure Unconditional Love.

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