Yoga : Health & Medical

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Why Breathing Correctly Is So Important In Yoga And In Life

Why Breathing Correctly Is So Important In Yoga And In Life

Many people don't realize how important breath is to life. Breathing is so natural that it is beneath our conscious notice. Yet how you breathe affects your health.
We Picked 9 Top Yoga DVDs That Suit Different Kinds of Students

We Picked 9 Top Yoga DVDs That Suit Different Kinds of Students

With so many yoga DVDs available, how can you pick the best ones? Let us do it! Since every yoga student had different needs, we've selected the best videos for beginners, power yoga, Ashtanga, and more.
How to Assume the Double Heron Pose in Partner Yoga

How to Assume the Double Heron Pose in Partner Yoga

In partner yoga, you’ll often be executing a given pose in tandem with your partner, most likely positioning yourselves in a certain way to assist or deepen the others stretch or bend. With double heron, that is exactly the case. As you move into the posture, you will use each others body to
Teaching Kids Yoga

Teaching Kids Yoga

Teaching kids yoga can be not only a rewarding career, but is also a wonderful way to give future generations a sense of their own well being and compassion. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all understood this as children?
Exercises For Tmj: Remove That Tmj In 4 Easy Steps

Exercises For Tmj: Remove That Tmj In 4 Easy Steps

No matter what you do, there will come a point in your life where you have to deal with TMJ disorder
Advantages Of Meditation

Advantages Of Meditation

As we know now a days people are very busy with the daily work schudule that involves physical and mental strain, to overcome situation of handling pressure at work, “Meditation” is the best exercise that one can be do at anywhere and at any time.
How to Do Yoga Poses for Menstrual Cramps

How to Do Yoga Poses for Menstrual Cramps

Any woman will tell you that menstrual cramps can be excruciating. Even if one takes medicine, the wait for relief to kick in can be stomach wrenching. Luckily many yoga poses can relax the mind and body at this painful time of month. Read on to learn how to do yoga poses for menstrual cramps.
Go Deep in Backbends - Yoga Flexibility & Streching

Go Deep in Backbends - Yoga Flexibility & Streching

Most yoga students HATE backbends, but desperately want to learn them. The truth is that most yoga teachers also HATE backbends, so often they don't teach them very well or very often. WHY ARE BACKBENDS SO HARD? Backbends shouldn't really be called "backbends", but instead "
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Order in the Class

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Order in the Class

Here's an example - You have no rules or official policy in your Yoga classes because you believe adults know how to act.Wrong - Why do you think we have traffic lights?We have speed limits too, but how many adults obey them?
A Look At Yoga For Healing

A Look At Yoga For Healing

In the modern world, people live in an almost permanent state of paradox. There is more technology and modern medicine than ever before, but there are also more people being unhappy and getting sick than ever before. Much of the technology and...
A Simple Smiling Meditation Technique for Overall Vitality and Peace

A Simple Smiling Meditation Technique for Overall Vitality and Peace

Every time you smile, the Universe smiles with you and back at you. Maybe you are aware that your smile has a powerful effect on others, but did you know that it also has a powerful effect on your overall health? A smile is a sign of joy, gratitude, affection, and love, so why not give those to your
Using Koshi Wind Chimes to Enhance Your Meditation-Relaxation Calmness

Using Koshi Wind Chimes to Enhance Your Meditation-Relaxation Calmness

To remain detached from the 'thinking' mind is the goal of every meditator and those seeking a calm and peaceful existence. In those moments of deep relaxation and inner silence a deep and abiding calmness is realized. Then maintaining a calm awareness through the remainder of the day is a
Using Guided Meditation for Reducing Stress

Using Guided Meditation for Reducing Stress

Stress is a part of everyday life but it shouldn't overwhelm you. If you're part of the 80% of people struggling with stress, learn how guided meditation effectively reduces stress and helps you obtain inner calm throughout your day.
Astanga Vinyasa Yoga Exercise

Astanga Vinyasa Yoga Exercise

Astanga, or at times typed ashtanga Yoga exercise is in fact coached today by a person called Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore, India. He has brought astanga yoga to the western world around two-and-a-half decades ago and still teaches right now at 91 years of age. Astanga yoga began...
What Are the Features of a Bikram Yoga Mat?

What Are the Features of a Bikram Yoga Mat?

Samantha loved taking her regular yoga class but was ready to take her yoga experience to the next level. She had heard many great things about hot yoga, including that this type of class offered deeper stretching and toning benefits and that it also promoted the release of toxins through extra swea
Yama-Niyama - Ethics in Yoga

Yama-Niyama - Ethics in Yoga

The yogic term 'Yama' implies a certain element of elimination of negatives - from both the physical body and the psychological nature. Regarding the physical side it is seen as attention to physical hygiene and eradication of any disease symptoms.
Is A Thriving Yoga Business A Fantasy?

Is A Thriving Yoga Business A Fantasy?

Just as yoga instructors teach physical balance to their students, creating balance between yoga and business building is a must. Those who fail to implement crucial business aspects may ultimately find owning a business isn't for them. Keeping in mind a few tips and objectives will soon turn f
How to Improve Posture With Purvottanasana Yoga Pose

How to Improve Posture With Purvottanasana Yoga Pose

Many people find yoga as a way to relieve pain or as a tool for stress management. Yoga can also help prevent or rehabilitate postural issues that create pain.Standing straight with shoulders pulled back and arms rigid and chest puffed is almost a military stance of being “at attention.ȁ
Yoga Instructor Training: To Produce Well Trained Yoga Teachers

Yoga Instructor Training: To Produce Well Trained Yoga Teachers

There are many places for yoga instructor training that make you eligible for teaching yoga for all possible situations.