Yoga : Health & Medical

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Get The Best Yoga Instructor Training Now By The Experts

Get The Best Yoga Instructor Training Now By The Experts

If you want to get yoga certification and discover the regular programs to be costly then you can opt for the home programs which are the most cost-effective technique to get yoga certification.
Tantra Yoga - Benefits and Prerequisites For Practice

Tantra Yoga - Benefits and Prerequisites For Practice

Tantra Yoga is a much talked-about term, but what is it and what does it take to practice tantra yoga? Quite simply, it is a set of tantra exercises that harnesses extremely potent power for spiritual regeneration.
The Perseverance Of Teaching Yoga (part 1)

The Perseverance Of Teaching Yoga (part 1)

Why do talented students fall short of becoming Yoga teachers? Ever notice that "quick flashes" of brilliance disappear in a short time.
Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers

Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers

Yoga instructor certification course or is a teacher registration simply enough?This article will discuss the reason for taking your registration one step further and becoming a fully qualified yoga instructor.
Research Outlook Of New Drugs In 2012

Research Outlook Of New Drugs In 2012

After experiencing a continuous reduction of staff and closing some R & D institutions, the world's major pharmaceutical companies begin to strengthen internal integration efforts and return to their expertise areas .Some has best wishes on the new R & D model as well as new therapeutic areas.
Yoga exercises and the Art regarding Happiness

Yoga exercises and the Art regarding Happiness

The Art of Happiness together with Yoga involves wanting to understand the characteristics of bliss, the particular deep inner peace that is why characteristic regarding Anandamaya kosha, the particul
What Is the Significance and Effect of Practicing the Shambavi Mudra?

What Is the Significance and Effect of Practicing the Shambavi Mudra?

When the practice of Shambhavi Mudra is sustained for some time, the left and right sides of the brain balance and integrate with each other. The integration helps the Yoga practitioner to expand his or her normal range of awareness. This expanded state of awareness enables a Yogi or Yogini to penet
Meditate While You Wait - For That Liver Transplant

Meditate While You Wait - For That Liver Transplant

Meditation isn't magic, although it effects have been described as magical and it isn't a belief or a religion. It is simply a technology - a set of simple techniques that use what you have (your mind, senses, and body) to create a communication between you and your mind, and between your
I Can't Breathe, How Can I Do Breathing Meditation?

I Can't Breathe, How Can I Do Breathing Meditation?

It is a common instruction for beginner meditation students to start with the breathing meditation, which is often called the sitting meditation as it's mostly done while sitting down. The usual instruction is to find the breath where it can be felt most obvious and most distinct. Now breathing
Some Meditation Skills

Some Meditation Skills

A holistic way of living and meditation has become very popular in current years, with more individuals looking for an alternative to the frenzied speed of everyday life. Nevertheless, a lot of practitioners of meditation don't reflect on the obstacles modern society gives to meditation. Even e
Practical Spirituality On Reclaiming Real Science

Practical Spirituality On Reclaiming Real Science

The problem with this, however, is that many people taking this path are carrying the beliefs rooted in the latest philosophy/religion that has been co-opted to support hierarchy and empire-scientism. They can't even accept that mysticism and enlightenment are possible because they are outside
What Is Meditation: Part 1

What Is Meditation: Part 1

By the end of this 2 part article series you will have a clear idea of what meditation is, and more importantly some of the subtle mistakes people make when identifying meditation, that means they have their idea of meditation completely backwards. You won't have to make that mistake. You'
Meditation - Manifest Abundance From the Inside Out

Meditation - Manifest Abundance From the Inside Out

Meditation is almost always associated with spiritual self mastery and connecting with your highest self. This can also lead the way to spiritual awakening. What leads many people to practice meditation is that they want to find inner happiness. Meditation can give satisfaction to those people who d
The "Art" of Meditation

The "Art" of Meditation

Everyone meditates in a different way. Some people will sit in a very quiet environment, close their eyes, concentrate on their breathing, letting whatever comes come, and whatever goes, go.
White Noise Generators

White Noise Generators

Many benefits await you when make white noise generators a part of your work lifestyle. They can instantly help you feel better and maintain your focus. These innovative devices were precisely fabricated to offer soothing benefits that are good for both your health and work performance.
What to Consider When Taking Up Yoga Teacher Training Courses

What to Consider When Taking Up Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Yoga is a name derived from Sanskrit, and simply means to yoke, or unite. Thus practicing yoga will help you unite your mind, body and soul. People who practice yoga are said to live a balanced, happy and fruitful life.
What Is a Yoga Block?

What Is a Yoga Block?

Yoga props first came into use in the 1960s, when yoga guru B.K.S. Iyengar noted that the reason all yoga practitioners couldn't accomplish the same poses was due not only to poor training but to physical limitations. The yoga block was one of many props born out of the Iyengar tradition and is used
Getting Started:At-home Kundalini Yoga

Getting Started:At-home Kundalini Yoga

Yoga has gained increasing popularity throughout the U.S. in recent years.Many people of all ages have quickly come to know the extensive benefits that this form of fitness and mental well being offers its students.
The Inner Smile -a Meditation Practice

The Inner Smile -a Meditation Practice

The practice of the "Inner Smile" is one that is found in Hindu, Buddhist & Taoist traditions.This practice is a wonderful way to release anxiety, to balance the endocrine system, and to increase within you feelings of loving-kindness and compassion.