Meditation In Yoga
The benefits of yoga are a good skin, a sweet odor, slight excretions, lightness, & steadiness.
Of all the practices of yoga, two are essential: Raja Yoga & Hatha Yoga.
Even though both are connected, Raja Yoga is the utmost because it helps meditation by overcoming the inner nature.
The true sense of yoga is union, it is the union of the self or Jeevata & Paramatma.
A vital asana that is good for resisting diseases of the heart is Pathmasan.
The Pathmasan posture is alike to a lotus flower position.
Most of the sitting postures of commonly seen on Buddha is this one.
All ancient Maharishi use this posture because during meditation more energy flows in.
Meditation is constantly thinking about the subject of meditation.
It is illustrated as "a constant stream of oil flowing from one container to another.
" The highest stage of meditation is the "super conscious stage," true spiritual ecstasy.
Pranayama means controlled breathing, which when performed also controls the body system as well as the character.
Vedanta in literal translation is "the end of the Vedas.
" The vedas are the religious writings of the Hindu.
It is divided in two parts, the Karma kanda (the work section) & Jnana kanda (the knowledge section).
The Upanishads are under the knowledge section.
It is believed that the Vedanta philosophy is hard to practice in one's life.
But it is possible to an extent.
We usually are conscious of morality & ethics.
If you can just practice courtesy, audacity, commitment, and have a good character, then you are halfway through.
There are three stages of spiritual attainment: illumination, meditation, & ecstasy.
When one reaches the stage of illumination, also known as enlightenment, super consciousness is attained.
It is said that the supreme truth is always there yet because of man's lack of knowledge he is in the dark.
Through constant practice this darkness can, bit by bit, be turned to light.
The more you become aware of the supreme reality, the brighter your perception will be.
It is said that when an illuminated individual closes his eyes, he can see the different colors of the prism, unlike the unenlightened ones, who can only see darkness.
Ecstasy is another stage of advanced spiritual development.
This state is marked by the cessation of the five senses, the eyes no longer see, the ears no longer hear, etc.
The practitioner can only sense great love & joy or Ananda.
They say it is difficult to attain such state.
Of all the practices of yoga, two are essential: Raja Yoga & Hatha Yoga.
Even though both are connected, Raja Yoga is the utmost because it helps meditation by overcoming the inner nature.
The true sense of yoga is union, it is the union of the self or Jeevata & Paramatma.
A vital asana that is good for resisting diseases of the heart is Pathmasan.
The Pathmasan posture is alike to a lotus flower position.
Most of the sitting postures of commonly seen on Buddha is this one.
All ancient Maharishi use this posture because during meditation more energy flows in.
Meditation is constantly thinking about the subject of meditation.
It is illustrated as "a constant stream of oil flowing from one container to another.
" The highest stage of meditation is the "super conscious stage," true spiritual ecstasy.
Pranayama means controlled breathing, which when performed also controls the body system as well as the character.
Vedanta in literal translation is "the end of the Vedas.
" The vedas are the religious writings of the Hindu.
It is divided in two parts, the Karma kanda (the work section) & Jnana kanda (the knowledge section).
The Upanishads are under the knowledge section.
It is believed that the Vedanta philosophy is hard to practice in one's life.
But it is possible to an extent.
We usually are conscious of morality & ethics.
If you can just practice courtesy, audacity, commitment, and have a good character, then you are halfway through.
There are three stages of spiritual attainment: illumination, meditation, & ecstasy.
When one reaches the stage of illumination, also known as enlightenment, super consciousness is attained.
It is said that the supreme truth is always there yet because of man's lack of knowledge he is in the dark.
Through constant practice this darkness can, bit by bit, be turned to light.
The more you become aware of the supreme reality, the brighter your perception will be.
It is said that when an illuminated individual closes his eyes, he can see the different colors of the prism, unlike the unenlightened ones, who can only see darkness.
Ecstasy is another stage of advanced spiritual development.
This state is marked by the cessation of the five senses, the eyes no longer see, the ears no longer hear, etc.
The practitioner can only sense great love & joy or Ananda.
They say it is difficult to attain such state.