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How to Remove Spots & Marks From a Picture

How to Remove Spots & Marks From a Picture

Digital sensors and their application in photography has certainly changed the way pictures are shot, stored and edited. Occasionally, you may see dark or light spots appear on your pictures. Removing these imperfections can be done in the post-production editing stage after you have loaded the pict
How to Temporarily Repair a Ripped Leather Couch

How to Temporarily Repair a Ripped Leather Couch

Leather is one material often used on home furnishings because it is sturdy and does not normally tear easily. Still, pet scratches or sharp objects can rip the material. The leather substrate will remain broken, which means a reupholstering may be needed. You can temporarily repair the damage until
How to Decorate a Red Hurricane Vase

How to Decorate a Red Hurricane Vase

A red hurricane vase is simple yet eloquent, and decorating it with your own design will make it a one of a kind. Painting the vase will break up the red color and give it a whole new look. You do not have to be an artist to do this. It can be done with the simplest designs such as small dots or cri
How to Clean a Performance Rug Doctor R40

How to Clean a Performance Rug Doctor R40

The Rug Doctor Company first began in Fresno, California and eventually moved to Plano, Texas in 1998. The company rents hot-water carpet-stain extraction machines at grocery stores, hardware stores and home-repair stores throughout the United States as well as Great Britain, Canada, Australia and P
How to Clean Tobacco Stains From Fabric

How to Clean Tobacco Stains From Fabric

If your furniture, drapery or clothing has been exposed to cigarette smoke, the fabric may have yellowish-brown tobacco stains. Everyone knows the damage tobacco does to the body, but some people don't realize that it can stain fabrics. Removing tobacco stains from fabric can be done successfully by
How to Keep a Bundt Pan From Sticking

How to Keep a Bundt Pan From Sticking

A Bundt pan is a versatile kitchen tool that you can use to cook any number of cakes, desserts and breads. This pan is circular and has a hole in the middle. The pan itself has indents around the inside to make a cake into the traditional Bundt cake shape, which is easy to cut into pieces. Cooking i
How to Remove Motor Oil From Asphalt

How to Remove Motor Oil From Asphalt

Oil stains on asphalt surfaces are eyesores. The big dark spot on the lighter-colored surface just looks like filth and some people may allow to sit there only because assume that there's no way to remove it. Oil is actually quite easy to remove from asphalt, and getting it up mostly requires items
What to Spray Around the Outside of a House to Get Rid of Ants?

What to Spray Around the Outside of a House to Get Rid of Ants?

Infestations of ants around your house's perimeter often result in the pesky insects finding their way inside to forage for food. Once inside, they can prove difficult to get rid of. Sealing pathways into your house, combined with control measures, can get rid of ants or at least create an effective
How to Get Rid of Mold in a Dirt Basement

How to Get Rid of Mold in a Dirt Basement

Mold is a result of mold spores and water. Mold spores are generally flying through the air, but they cannot reproduce and grow unless they make contact with a moist surface, in which case they will stick to the wet surface and begin to grow. Once mold appears, it is crucial to clean up the mold,
The Best Way to Clean White Vinyl Trim

The Best Way to Clean White Vinyl Trim

Vinyl is specifically designed to withstand environmental dangers and pressures from outside elements. White vinyl can become discolored and dirty, though, and the optimum way to clean it is with standard dish soap.
DIY: How to Wax Commercial Flooring

DIY: How to Wax Commercial Flooring

First impressions are everything in the world of business, and this includes the floors. Most businesses have a lot of foot traffic moving about and the floors will show this over time. Keeping your commercial floors properly waxed will help you to present a professional appearance to the patrons of
How to Recycle Your Old Paint

How to Recycle Your Old Paint

Many people are unaware of this, but regular, household paint can be recycled. Recycling old paint keeps a lot of toxins and hazardous waste out of landfills and waterways, leaving us a cleaner, healthier world.
The Effects of Lysol on Bacteria

The Effects of Lysol on Bacteria

George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesLysol has been available on the American market in some form since early in the 20th century. It might have been available as early as 1889, according to the archived version of "Sajous' Analytical Cycolpaedia of Practical Medicine." Lysol is a brand...
How to Clean a House With Toothpaste

How to Clean a House With Toothpaste

Creative homemakers and professional maids are always looking for ways to make cleaning faster and more efficient. No one likes to spend hours cleaning, so if there is a quicker and better way to get these tasks done, they want to know about it. Here's how you can use toothpaste to clean many thing
How to Stop Mold & Mildew Growth

How to Stop Mold & Mildew Growth

Mold is constantly in the air. The mold spores travel in and out of your home and flourish when they come in contact with an ideal breeding situation, namely moisture and dust. These mold spores can quickly flourish in the proper environment and not only wreak havoc on the home's structure but also
How to Remove Washable Paint

How to Remove Washable Paint

Painting can bring out a child's creativity while passing the time during a raining day. However, no matter how hard you try there is bound to be some type of paint splatter. Fortunately, there are a number of washable paint products on the market that allows your child to creative beautiful works o
How to Clean an Antique Tin

How to Clean an Antique Tin

Antique tin is very popular among collectors, but can be difficult to clean. Many people who don't collect antiques love old tins because of the beautiful designs and colors, as well as the ability for tin to last generations. If well maintained, an antique tin can be passed down from one generation
Review: Simple Green Naturals Glass & Surface Care

Review: Simple Green Naturals Glass & Surface Care

This eco-friendly, rosemary-mint scented glass and surface cleaner did a great job cleaning my windows and leaving them spotless and shiny. Read on for all the details about its performance, safety, and more.
Detergents for Cleaning

Detergents for Cleaning

Modern detergents make cleaning a snap.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty ImagesBack in the day, washing clothes and dishes was tough. Much of the work had to be performed by hand, taking time and plenty of labor to make shirts, plates and other items look clean. The detergents used to do the...
How to Make a Flyer for a Car Wash and Bake Sale

How to Make a Flyer for a Car Wash and Bake Sale

When you are planning to host a car wash and bake sale, there's nothing worse than having a table filled with baked goods or a car wash area filled with volunteers, only to have no one show up to your event. This means you need to properly advertise so the community is aware of your event. By creati