How to Stop Mold & Mildew Growth
- 1). Dry out any cloth or upholstered furniture that comes in contact with moisture. Place these items into the sun and leave them there for 24 hours, or until they are completely dried out. Mold and mildew cannot flourish on a dry structure.
- 2). Fix leaky pipes thorough out the home. The moisture from them helps mold thrive.
- 3). Clean gutters regularly. The water that backs up in cluttered gutters will leak into the home, which will start the process of mold growth.
- 4). Install and use exhaust fans in the home, especially in the basement and bathroom, two especially fertile areas for mold growth.
- 5). Place a dehumidifier in your home. This device pulls moisture from the air. The liquid then collects inside a pan that can be emptied periodically. The ideal spot for a dehumidifier in the home is the basement, although one on each floor would be more effective.
- 6). Turn off structures that produce moisture, such as kerosene heaters and humidifiers, if you notice moisture beginning to form on windows or walls.
- 7). Place sheets of plastic on the floors of crawl spaces or unfinished basements with dirt floors. This will stop moisture from entering the home through the ground.
- 8). Install ceiling fans through out the home. The fans will help circulate air, which will prevent moisture from the air from landing on structures.
- 9). Turn up the heat in the home for 10 to 15 minutes, even during the summer, to remove moisture in the air. Open the windows when using heat as well to help draw the moisture-filled air outdoors.