Detergents for Cleaning
- Modern detergents make cleaning a snap.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images
Back in the day, washing clothes and dishes was tough. Much of the work had to be performed by hand, taking time and plenty of labor to make shirts, plates and other items look clean. The detergents used to do the job were often harsh and might not remove tough stains. Fortunately, those times are past and now there is a detergent for every need and want, from grease fighters to mild, scentless liquids. - Seventh Generation makes wool-friendly detergents.Hands in mittens with winter scarf image by Sophia Winters from
Seventh Generation's laundry detergents come in several varieties, all of which are biodegradable and nontoxic. Using a combination of plant derived surfactants and enzymes, the detergents clean clothes naturally and are safe for septic tanks and gray water systems, according to the company website and come in a concentrated formula, making each bottle last longer. Parents can consider using the baby laundry liquid, designed to remove "stains that are part of having a baby" with enzyme soil removers. Seventh Generation also manufactures a detergent for those with sensitive skin. The delicate formula, for instance, contains no irritating dyes or fragrances and can also be used to clean fabrics like silk and wool. - Tide makes detergents specifically designed for washing clothes in cold water.Clean water and water bubbles in blue image by Suto Norbert from
Long a power player in the world of laundry, Tide manufactures a host of detergents to keep clothes clean. The Tide Free for Coldwater is formulated to vanquish stains and dirt when washing with cold water, which can save on hot water and electricity costs. The detergent is also free of perfumes and colorants, as are several other Tide detergents, providing options for those with sensitive skin or a dislike of perfumed laundry and excess chemicals in their cleaning products. Tide with Bleach Alternative promises to "keep whites white and colors true" using a substitute to harsh chlorine bleach and comes in both "mountain spring" and "clean breeze" scents. The company also offers several types of detergents in powdered form, which may be preferable for certain types of washing machines. - Palmolive Eco detergents are made for dishwashers.control panel of dishwasher image by JoLin from
With Palmolive Eco Dish Detergents, using a dishwasher while being environmentally conscious is possible. Described by Palmolive as an "ecologically friendly step consumers can take as part of their dishwashing routine," the detergent comes in lemon, lavender and citrus scents. The detergents promote green living by being free of phosphates -- chemicals which can lead to harmful bacteria --overwhelming water supplies like lakes and streams. - Cascade detergents don't require a prerinse.clean plates image by Christopher Hall from
Cascade brand dish detergents are designed to allow users to sidestep the time and resource consuming ritual of the prerinse, sending dirty pots and pans straight to the dishwasher. Cascade Complete contains a special bleach-based gel that removes food residues not visible to the naked eye, allowing for a deep clean unachievable with a soapy sponge and rinses clean to make dishes sparkle. Several varieties are also available with the "grease fighting power of Dawn" to remove even the toughest gunk. The detergents comes in gel, powder and "ActionPacs," small, liquid-filled squares which can be placed directly in the dishwasher.