Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

The Best Way to Clean White Vinyl Trim


    • Use a combination of dish soap and warm water in an ordinary pump sprayer. Direct the spray at the vinyl trim, and apply an even coat. Scrub the solution around with a nylon bristled brush, and then rinse with fresh water. Use an old toothbrush if you can't find a nylon brush.

    Expert Insight

    • Tim Carter of Ask the Builder suggests using powdered oxygen bleach to clean your white vinyl trim. Use the oxygen bleach with water, mixing according to the manufacturer's directions. Powdered oxygen bleach helps clean and kill mildew or bleach on the trim.


    • Never use liquid bleach on the white vinyl trim, especially if you're working in areas around your garden or lawn. The runoff from the bleach can kill plants and other vegetation.

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