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How to Polish Glass Headlight Lenses

    • 1). Clean the glass headlight lenses with a soap and water solution to remove any dirt covering. Dry the lenses with a terry cloth towel.

    • 2). Spray the headlight lens with water continually as you gently sand the surface with 800 grit sandpaper. Sand the entire surface. Repeat this process using the 1000 grit sandpaper, then the 1400 grit sandpaper. Each pass with a finer sandpaper reduces the size of the scratches left by the previous sandpaper.

    • 3). Attach the buffing wheel to the rotary tool from the buffing kit. Place a small amount of buffing compound on the buffing wheel. Buff the surface of the headlight lens.

    • 4). Spread a small amount of restorative polish paste onto your terry cloth towel. Gently rub the entire surface of the headlight lens with the towel.

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