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The DECnet Protocols

    • DECnet protocols allow high-speed network connectionscomputer technology image by Raimundas from

      DECnet protocols were developed by the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1975 to allow two or more DEC PDP-11 computers to communicate with each other. DEC networking protocols evolved into one of the earliest network architectures to link computers in peer to peer (PDP-11 to PDP-11) configurations. The protocols allowed DEC computers in local and wide area networks to communicate at high speeds. Original networks were engineered in four tiers, eventually evolving to nine layers.

    Routing Protocols

    • Information is transferred among DECnet units by a routing protocol (RP). Data is distributed on two basic levels. One level routes information within a DECnet hosting area and a second level deals with routing among areas.

    Maintenance Operations Protocol

    • DECnet includes a utility for moving system software up or down in the computer architecture. The Maintenance Operation Protocol also provides troubleshooting, problem diagnosis and testing from remote locations.

    Network Services Protocol

    • Efficiently engineered networks need trustworthy connections to the Routing Protocol (RP) layer. The Network Services Protocol (NSP) provides this connection coupled with flow control.

    Session Control Protocol

    • DECnet relies upon SCP (Session Control Protocol) to establish, manage and maintain logical links between host computers.

    Data Access Protocol

    • Remote files access systems that support DECnet networks using the Data Access Protocol (DAP). This protocol allows files to be created, extended, opened or renamed. It provides across-the-board control information about the file system.

    Command Terminal Protocol

    • Command terminal connection between DEC terminals and operating systems is provided by Command Terminal (CTERM). This function allows DEC VMS and RSTS/E to communicate.

    Local Area Transport Protocol

    • Traffic to and from time sharing hosts is handled and controlled with the Local Area Transport (LAT) protocol. The LAT is engineered to handle multiplexed traffic.

    Spanning Tree Protocol

    • To prevent logical looping in the network DEC developed the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). Using an 802.1d MAC Bridge Management Protocol (BMP), it provides data relating to the bridge topology.

    Local Area Vax Cluster Protocol

    • Clustered DEC VAX computers need to intercommunicate. The (LAVC) Local Area Vax Cluster protocol enables this communication among VAX units.

    DECnet Protocol Suite Today

    • The suite of protocols developed by Digital Equipment Corporation is now part of the Hewlett Packard Open VMS. Two versions of the DECnet remain in wide usage: Phase IV DECnet and DECnet Plus. Phase IV DECnet uses a seven-layer approach to services. DECnet Plus is backward compatible with DECnet Phase IV and supports multiple protocols.

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