Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

Prolonging the Life of Your Windshield

Anyone who has a car knows what it means to have an investment. A car can be the single largest investment many people make until they choose to buy a home. As a result, it is in your best interest to do what you can to keep your car looking good so that it will last longer. The windshield is often overlooked during maintenance since many people see it as just another window. The fact is, the windshield is one of the most important safety features on your vehicle and maintaining properly will help it last longer and will prevent repair and replacement.

Day to day you don't really need to worry about your windshield. But when weather changes you should do what you can to protect your windshield. In the winter this means using a plastic scraper as opposed to ones with metal blades. Scraper with metal tips can scratch the glass and encourage cracks. You should never pour boiling water on a windshield to melt ice. Instead use de-icer sprays or your car defroster to melt ice and then scrape away with a plastic scraper. Your windshield wipers should also be replaced as they get worn so that the rubber blades don't begin to pull away which allows thew wiper mechanism to scrape against the glass.

Clean your windshield regularly with a soft cloth inside and out. This will let you examine the surface for any scratches as well. Should you find any signs of damage, call a professional to have it looked at. Once damage occurs to your windshield the clock is ticking since even a small chip can easily turn into a major crack since that area of the windshield is weaker than its surrounding area. A simple repair job can take minutes to perform and the result is a windshield that remains strong. Postponing a repair job can turn a small problem into a major issue and many insurance companies won't cover the cost of a replacement if the problem was initially something that could have been easily repaired.

Maintaining your windshield isn't a hassle and shouldn't be viewed as such. Instead it is something that can take a few minutes each week and involves only cleaning and the occasional replacement of windshield wiper blades in order to keep it looking good and being strong. This will help you avoid repair bills and even costlier windshield replacement [] jobs.

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