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How to Remove Excess Freon

    • 1). Open the motor vehicle's hood, revealing the engine.

    • 2). Find the high- and low-side hoses for the air conditioning unit. Also, locate their respective valves.

    • 3). Insert the low-side line from the recovery machine into the car's A/C low-side valve. Typically, the machine's low-side line is colored blue.

    • 4). Insert the high-side line from the recovery machine into the car's A/C high-side valve. The machine's high-side line is normally red.

    • 5). Turn open the storage valves in the back of the recovery machine.

    • 6). Switch open the two valves located on the front of the recovery machine.

    • 7). Look for a button marked "Recover" or something similar. Push the button on the keyboard to start the recovery process.

    • 8). Close all valves on the machine when finished. It is extremely important you close the valves on the storage unit as to not release Freon into the atmosphere.

    • 9). Unplug the high- and low-side lines from the motor vehicle's A/C hoses. Close shut the valves on the vehicle too.

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