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How to Replace a Cabin Filter in a Suzuki ZL7

    • 1). Open the hood for access to the engine compartment. Disconnect the negative cable with a socket wrench.

    • 2). Open the fuse box to access the air bag fuse. It will be labeled for easy access. Pull the air bag fuse.

    • 3). Open the glove box and push in the sides of the glove box to release it. Swing the glove box all the way down.

    • 4). Locate the passenger side air bag connector through the open glove box. Disconnect the air bag controls by pulling the connectors away from one another.

    • 5). Pull the cabin filter access door. The door will come off with little effort.

    • 6). Pull the two air filters out of the compartment. Replace with new filters.

    • 7). Push the door back on to the air filter housing. Push the air bag connectors together.

    • 8). Squeeze the sides of the glove box together and close the glove box.

    • 9). Push the fuse back into the fuse box. Tighten the negative terminal onto the battery with a socket wrench. Close the hood.

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