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1989 Integra Fuel Pump Troubleshooting

    • 1). Test the fuel pressure of the Acura. Locate the schrader valve inside the engine. It looks just like the air valve you connect to when you inflate tires in your car or bicycle. Screw on a fuel pressure gauge to the schrader valve, turn the car on and read the gauge to see if the fuel pressure is too low. The 1989 Integra should have between 36 and 41 pounds per square inch of fuel pressure.

    • 2). Inspect the fuel pressure regulator of the Integra if you have low fuel pressure. Many people believe that the fuel pump is causing low fuel pressure when the regulator may be the problem instead. The fuel pressure regulator is connected to a black fuel line near the top of the engine block. Gently squeeze the black fuel line next to the regulator with some pliers while the engine is running. Look at the fuel pressure gauge and see if the fuel pressure rises when you squeeze the fuel line. If the fuel pressure rises then the regulator should be fixed, not the fuel pump.

    • 3). See if there are any symptoms of a fuel pump failure. The two major symptoms are the car refusing to start and the Acura failing to accelerate when the acceleration pedal is pressed down.

    • 4). Listen to see if the fuel pump begins pushing fuel into the fuel lines before the Acura starts. Turn the ignition key one setting to the right. This will turn on the car's battery but not the engine. The fuel pump will engage with the key in this position. You should listen for the pump in a quiet setting or else it may be difficult to conduct this particular troubleshooting test. You may find it easier to hear the pump if you have someone else turn the key inside the car while you stand by the fuel tank and listen for it to turn on.

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