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How to Remove the Gas Tank on a 2005 Chevy Suburban

    • 1). Drive the Suburban as long as possible to try to drain as much gasoline out of the tank as you can. If the tank has a hole in it, then you most likely have lost the bulk of the gasoline from the system already. Open the gas door and remove the gas cap. Then pop the hood and locate the Schrader valve on the fuel rail at the top of the engine. Connect a fuel pressure gauge to the valve, then release the pressure in the fuel system.

    • 2). Open the gas door and remove the bolts securing the gas filler neck to the body using a 1/4-inch ratchet and Torx-head socket. Raise the SUV into the air using the jack, and secure it on jack stands. Double-check that the Suburban is secure, then crawl underneath. Label each of the fuel lines running to the tank, using masking tape and permanent marker.

    • 3). Remove the fuel lines from the gas tank by hand. Disconnect the wiring harness from the tank and set it to the side.

    • 4). Loosen the gas tank strap bolts using a 3/8-inch ratchet, extension and sockets. Maneuver the gas filler door around the chassis of the body. Then, with the help of an assistant, unbolt the gas tank straps the rest of the way and lower the tank out from under the vehicle.

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