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How to Replace the Belt in a 1997 Oldsmobile Achieva

    • 1). Look on the top of the plastic radiator shroud and make a mental note of the location of the belt-routing diagram. The diagram is on the very top of the shroud. Refer back to the routing instructions from this diagram when putting the new belt around the pulleys.

    • 2). Locate the self adjusting accessory belt tensioner on the front side of the motor. The tensioner is made up of two components, the spring-loaded arm and the idler pulley that is connected to the bottom of the tensioner arm.

    • 3). Relieve the tension off the accessory belt from the bolt that connects the idler pulley to the tensioner arm. Pivot the tensioner in a clockwise direction with a 1/2-inch drive breaker bar and a metric socket until the tension is off the belt. Pull the belt out from around the idler pulley that is connected to the tensioner arm. Release the tension from the breaker until the tensioner stops turning.

    • 4). Unwrap the accessory belt from each accessory pulley. Pull the belt around the fan blades and up out of the engine well.

    • 5). Lower the new belt near the fan blades. Pull the belt around each fan blade and route the belt around each accessory pulley by using the routing directions from the belt-routing diagram.

    • 6). Pivot the tensioner in a counterclockwise direction with the breaker bar and metric socket. Pull the new belt around the tensioner idler pulley and set it inside of the pulley. Release the tension from the breaker bar until the idler pulley stops retracting against the belt. Pull the breaker bar and socket off the idler pulley and out of the engine well.

    • 7). Look over the new accessory belt to ensure that it is completely inside of all of the accessory pulleys. Crank the motor for about 15 seconds to ensure that the belt ribs completely seat to the grooves of each pulley. Turn the motor off.

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