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How to Troubleshoot Chevy Truck ABS Diagnostic Codes

    • 1). Open the Chevrolet truck driver's side door, and locate the Data Link Connector. This is the same outlet used for accessing the OBD-II system. It should be beneath the steering wheel; but, if you have trouble locating it, you can use an online location tool.

    • 2). Plug the ABS scanner into the data link connection. If it does not automatically turn on, then readjust the connection. Some scanners may require you to turn on the electrical system. Some scanners operate differently, so consult your manual for the exact operational procedure.

    • 3). Key in a command to scan the system, and retrieve the fault codes. This will help you pinpoint the exact problems in the braking system. If your scanner or the manual does not provide code descriptions, you can look up ABS codes online.

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