How to Disconnect an Alero Battery
- 1). Open the hood and locate your battery. The Alero's battery is mounted up front, on the driver's side of the engine bay.
- 2). Remove the battery's protective cover. Use your hands to unlatch the clips on the side, and pull the cover away.
- 3). Inspect the battery for discharge or damage. If the battery is leaking, do not attempt to disconnect or remove it; instead, contact a service professional immediately.
- 4). Remove the negative battery cable from the terminal. The negative battery cable is usually black and labeled with a "-" sign. Use the pliers to loosen the nut holding the cable to the post, then pull the cable free.
- 5). Remove the positive battery cable. The positive battery cable is usually red and labeled with a "+" sign. Remove the positive battery cable in the same manner as the negative battery cable.
If you are only disconnecting your battery to make a repair, you do not need to disconnect the positive battery cable. - 6). Remove the battery if you plan on replacing it. Use a socket wrench to remove the battery's mounting bracket, then lift the battery from the vehicle using the side handle.