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How to Know If Someone Blocked Me on MSN

    Microsoft Live Spaces Method

    • 1). Confirm whether the person has a Microsoft Live Spaces Blog. If you do not already know this, try asking a friend of that person.

    • 2). Log into your MSN account.

    • 3). Visit the person's Microsoft Live Spaces Blog. If you cannot see anything, it is likely that the person has blocked you. If you do see the blog, even if the person appears offline, it is likely that the person has not blocked you. This method is not 100 percent accurate unless the person in question uses the setting "only allow access to Messenger contacts" for her blog.

    Common Contact Method

    • 1). Log in to MSN and confirm that the person is of offline status.

    • 2). Find a common contact of that person on MSN messenger. This person may be a friend, colleague or classmate of the person in question.

    • 3). Ask that common contact whether the person in question is online. If the common contact can see the potential blocker while you cannot see her, then she has blocked you.

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