Dynamic Network Systems
- A dynamic analysis network consists of two modules. The statistical analysis module compiles dynamic network analysis and statistics, such as network efficiency thresholds. The second analysis is simulating the network to address how other networks (enterprise systems, information systems and voice/data networks integrate into network dynamics) through the use of computational statistics.
- A DNA network is different from a traditional network. DNA networks are larger (because of the various different networks incorporated into the design), multimode and more dynamic. One of the issues with a DNA network is the uncertainty of operation. Some network models don't work well on a DNA network. This leads to more simulation testing to see if it is cost-efficient to include or exclude a network.
- A robust, scalable DNA network can forecast change in other modules connected to the network. This is an ongoing process of testing network theories. DNA proponents and engineers are always studying ways to expand the network with consideration to hardware and software resources