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How to Get a Snapped Off Key Out of an Ignition

    Key Extractor

    • 1). Look to see which side of the key is the ragged side. Insert the key extractor into the ignition next to it.

    • 2). Grip the ragged side of the broken key with the teeth on the key extractor tool.

    • 3). Extract the key gently from the ignition.


    • 1). Look and see if any part of the key is sticking out of the ignition.

    • 2). Fasten the needle nose pliers onto the piece that is sticking out.

    • 3). Pull the key out from the ignition slowly. Jiggle the pliers while gripped to the key to loosen it while pulling it out.


    • 1). Look to see if the broken key is flush with the ignition.

    • 2). Place the magnet over top of the key.

    • 3). Pull the magnet slowly away from the ignition.

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