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How to Polish Alloy Wheels

    • 1). Wash the dirt and grime from the wheels with a clean sponge soaked in hot water and car wash soap.

    • 2). Wet a piece of 1500-grit wet/dry sandpaper and sand the surface of the wheels in a circular motion as if you were sanding wood. Sand any scratches until they are as smooth as the rest of the wheel. Keep the sandpaper wet throughout the process.

    • 3). Wet a piece of 2000-grit wet/dry sandpaper and sand the wheel in the same manner as in Step 2 to refine the scratched areas.

    • 4). Apply two large drops of polishing compound to a dampened cotton rag. Rub the wheel in a circular, buffing motion until the compound disappears, starting on a flat part of the wheel. Add more compound to the rag as needed. Wipe down the wheel with a clean rag once you have polished the entire wheel.

    • 5). Apply a few drops of Mothers Wheel Polish to a clean rag and rub it onto the wheel until the polish disappears, as in Step 4. Apply more Mothers, as needed, as you polish the wheel.

    • 6). Polish your car's wheels with Mothers once a month to maintain their sheen.

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