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Information on 1979 Full Time 4X4 Trucks

    Transfer Case

    • The transfer case of choice for full-time four-wheel-drive was the New Process 203. The NP 203 was a chain-driven case with high- and low-gear options, plus a "lock" option which locked the inter-axle differential when more traction was needed. The NP 203 did not provide a two-wheel-drive option.

    Front Axle Hubs

    • Because the NP 203 did not have a two-wheel-drive option, the front hubs did not have a manual or automatic lock/unlock feature. Instead, the wheels were permanently engaged with the axle shaft.


    • All three major U.S. auto manufacturers--Ford, Chrysler and General Motors--used the NP 203 full-time four-wheel-drive system in full-sized trucks in 1979. This system can be found in pickup trucks as well as in 1970s-era SUVs such as the Chevrolet K5 Blazer and Ford Bronco.

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