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Mazda Miata Fog Light Installation

    • 1). Park the vehicle on a level surface away from traffic. Loosen the lug nuts of the front wheel on the side of the Miata that has the blown fog light. Block the rear wheel on that side of the vehicle with both wheel chocks.

    • 2). Lift the front of the vehicle with the jack. Place a jack stand under the front frame and lower the vehicle onto it.

    • 3). Remove the loose lug nuts and front wheel by hand. Loosen the black plastic trim pins in the inner wheel well trim with the Phillips screwdriver and then pry them out with the trim tool. Fold the trim over to expose the rear of the fog lamp assembly.

    • 4). Use the socket set to remove the bolts from the guard panel over the fog lamp assembly. Move the guard aside by hand.

    • 5). Squeeze the fog light socket by hand, turn it counterclockwise and then pull it back, out of the fog lamp assembly.

    • 6). Remove the old bulb from the socket by hand and replace it with the new H1 fog light bulb. Insert the socket into the lamp assembly and turn it clockwise until it clicks into place.

    • 7). Reinstall the guard, inner wheel well trim, wheel and lug nuts in reverse of how you took them off. Lower the Miata off the jack stand with the jack. Tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench before driving.

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