Health & Medical Food & Drink

Victorian Epicure


Start your own Canadian Business. I have sold and am selling Avon, Regal, many online business, did craft show and I've never come across a company so professional, so helpful and never ever pushy. You must start this business now if you say yes to the next three questions. Are you Canadian? Are you Social? Are you interested in making money?

Victorian Epicure is owned and started in Canada by Sylvie Rochette.
Sylvie was dissatisfied with what the market offer. She created her own spice blends. She started out by selling her products from the back of her truck which progressed to local fairs and consumer trade shows soon prompted the creation of Epicure Selections®, allowing her to share her success with Independent Epicure Consultants across Canada.

How would you like to party and get paid for it? Still not interested in becoming a consultant? No problem, then order their products through me, and I will be more than happy to help you get the products you need and I will give you all the answers you need. You will not be disappointed because if you are? I'll give you your money back for any product you order and you are not pleased with, nothing to lose! Visit me today. If you are in the Precott Russell Area, that is where I live, if not, no problem, just have your order shipped. Visit me at our site My husband and I look forward to assisting you. Sorry but this business is for Canadians only.

March 2010 - Just did a demonstration at our local church. Everyone had fun tasting and all the profit from the orders from that day went straight back into our church, Cassburn United. Raised over $300.00 and 2 x $30.00 gift baskets to give away.

Come on Canada, let's eat healthier and tastier!

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