What is the Return on Investment of Keynote Speakers?
Business owners often view the fees of keynote speakers as an expense. However by calculating return on investment, some of the most profitable companies have found that motivational speakers are an investment cost that pays for itself in increased performance and morale.
You Deserve to Have What You Want
You may or may not be knowledgeable or a fan of Abraham-Hicks' teachings, but the principles I'm going to discuss here are good ones, and I hope you'll find in them how they can be helpful, personally.Anyone remember this old adage: "Spoil the kid, Forget the rod." No?!
Can You Really Accept Others For Who They Are?
People who live happy lives accept the uniqueness of individuals.They are not on a mission to change them, correct them or invalidate them.Happy people understand that everyone is on their own path throughout life doing what they need to do in order for them to fulfill their destiny.
Change is Vital to End Binge Eating Disorder
So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better... But what do you do next? You may have a mixture of emotions...
Get Smarter
Our brains are made up of different areas and functions, and we can strengthen them through mental training and exercises. You brain thrives on stimulation. It needs to be challenged, like a muscle it needs to be used in order for it to improve.
A Straight-Up Guide On Alcohol Problems And Treatment
Alcoholism is not a problem that is exclusive to adults. Many teenagers find themselves addicted to alcohol even though the legal drinking age is twenty one. The pressure to fit in with others and the pressure to be popular among peers may play a significant role in drug and alcohol ill treatment am
What To Do When You’Re Feeling Down
We all have peaks and valleys in our life. We all experience times when we feel great about ourselves, and then other times when we feel like nothing is going right. I'm not sure about ...
The Human Brain is Evolving and Has Evolved Rapidly in the Last Thousand Years
It should be quite obvious that humans are smarter than they ever would have been. It is quite evident by the technology we produce, the art and entertainment we project, and the philosophy, innovations, and inventions we bring forth. However, there are still those who believe that the human brain i
Personality Traits
In my hay day there was a local basketball player that was better then anybody around. He was not the tallest or the biggest but he could out play anybody in the area. He took the team to the state where he finally lost. His life was both art and motivation in action.
Lecturers And Speakers For Board Examination Reviews
Board examination review centers where students enroll for a refreshment course on the degree they graduated in require keynote speakers as lecturers. This is where students have a refresher regarding
The Feel Good Paradox
Perspectives For Building A Stronger and Healthier LifeIn my experience, the most central feature for successful lifestyle change is to challenge the "feel good" paradox: that successful lifestyles must satisfy the same desires that brought about unhealthy lifestyles - they must feel good.
Convince People With Your Ideas
Do you persuade and convince people easily with your ideas? Do you want to convince people more easily with your point of view? You are probably like everyone else want to learn how to convince people with your ideas, opinions, or point of views. Many people find it very hard to convince others with
Something For You - Your Family - Your Life
I know just when you thought you were so busy you couldn't fit another thing on your plate, something else pops up. It is true when you are already up to your elbows in a particular project and look forward to it be complete because of all the things you can finally get to, other things inevita
Simple Success Metrics
Others would say material success is artificial or just in the mind. What matters most is enjoying life in a relaxed state. It does not matter if you are not rich for as long as you have a harmonious relationship with your family, good health and can eat three times a day.
Using A Warm Hand and Self-Hypnosis To Ease IBS Symptoms
This article gives you a process whereby you combine self-hypnosis and mental imagery to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It is a soothing, warming process that uses many facets of the mind to help let go of of discomfort caused by IBS.
Accepting Responsibility: An Action Oriented Approach to Remove Negative Feelings
"The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him-and hasten to adopt those practices ...
How To Create The Successful Life You Desire With 3 Simple Steps
Do you want to live a successful life? Of course, everyone wants to be successful, live their dreams and achieve all their goals in their lives. However, it is always easier said than done. The truth is that most people are not successful. A lot of them are living in mediocrity and are just getting
Unleash Your Hidden Subliminal Power For Massive Success
Psychologists describe the mind as an atypical entity within the human structure. Science, medicine and experts in the field of mental archaeology freely admit that they have traversed only a fraction
Are You Listening To Your Own Voice?
I can't tell you the number of clients who have a great idea they want to implement in their business, or they'd like to expand their business, or perhaps sign up for a program that they know will absolutely take them to the next level in their business. They are so excited, and you know w
How A Simple Four-Letter List Can Make or Break Your Business
Do you look back at the end of the day and wonder why you didn't accomplish what you wanted to get done?Take just five minutes everyday to create your four-letter list and you'll be amazed at what you can do in a short period of time.