Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Personality Traits

Have you ever run into somebody that was so alive, so up and go that you wondered what made him that way?You see this in sports figures in how they approach the competition.
You know he is self motivated.
He is always ready to compete.
No, he is not mistake free.
Nor does he always win.
But losing does not come easy for him.
His drive is both an art and a time of competition.
He runs faster then he can and he jumps higher than he ever has.
When he is in action all eyes are on him.
He is well aware that to do all this he must learn to relax and take a break.
His legs and arm muscles must have a perfect nights rest.
He has bought himself the best mattress and the best comforter set in the world.
He goes to bed not by habit but to find renewal.
He must have it for the next game.
Getting up in the morning must not be a struggle.
It is a rested body that invites another day.
For him Another day for success and another day to face the competition.
The winning personality never says "I can't".
But always says," I have got an idea".
One can imagine if anybody needs advise he goes to him not because of what university he graduated from but for what he is.
What his life style is like, you want to be like him.
He is the story of a living success.

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