Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Human Brain is Evolving and Has Evolved Rapidly in the Last Thousand Years

It should be quite obvious that humans are smarter than they ever would have been.
It is quite evident by the technology we produce, the art and entertainment we project, and the philosophy, innovations, and inventions we bring forth.
However, there are still those who believe that the human brain is much the same as it was at the time humans lived in caves.
Not long ago an acquaintance said to me; "I have also heard from historians, intellectuals, etc.
that human kind has not advanced a bit since we left the caves.
" Indeed, I believe that to be completely false and believe we've seen noticeable evolution of the human brain in the last 2,000 years, and I believe in the next 30-years with enhancements, it will blow the doors off the current levels of intelligence.
My acquaintance noted that Einstein had once calculated that humans only use 8% of their put potential brain ability.
I completely disagree with Einstein on this point, and I wish he were around today so I could set him straight on this mistake of his.
Nevertheless, it won't matter much what sorts of calculations Einstein thought he was doing.
Half the stuff he came up with in his early years he stole while working at the patent office and cross-pollinating.
Had he not come up with it, someone else would have soon after.
Interesting who gets credit for what, or who gets their names in the encyclopedia isn't it? The reality is the human brain is evolving and it has evolved rapidly in the last thousand years, and there is quite a bit of evidence to this fact.
Whereas, there are some cultures and societies that contribute to the "dummying down" of their populations, that is not necessarily the case in all cultures.
What I think people are noticing is that there are quite a few people who are under endowed in intelligence in general society.
But as the coordinator for a think tank, I can tell you that the upper end intelligence levels are truly incredible in today's modern era.
In fact, I doubt if Einstein could hold a candle to some of the high IQ people that are presently living amongst us.
There are several variant genes in the human DNA which contribute to incredible levels of intelligence.
Science has proven it and therefore, it can no longer be argued from such a simplistic standpoint.
I hope you will please consider all this.

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