Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Exclusive - New Control of Your Destiny

Exclusive - New Control of Your Destiny

I started my career thinking that a corporate job would provide both security and financial stability. As I was climbing the corporate ladder, I was convinced that I would pay off my home and retire with the stock options this burgeoning company offered me. By the time I left, those options were wor
Tips That Can Assist You Get Rid of Blackheads

Tips That Can Assist You Get Rid of Blackheads

When you have tested out just about every possible way reduce blackheads and bad, this specific post may help you choose a strategy to the difficulty. Blackheads along with pimples tend to be brought on ...
Addictions and Cravings - How to Stop Food Addictions and Cravings

Addictions and Cravings - How to Stop Food Addictions and Cravings

When being on diet, people struggle often with food addictions and cravings. To overcome all sorts of unwanted emotional feelings, not only feelingsfrom cravings to addictions, but also emotional eating or the fear of failing with your diet scheme, there are many different psychological techniques t
Three Factors of Intention - Will, Desire and Belief

Three Factors of Intention - Will, Desire and Belief

Intention has three factors influencing it which are the will, desire and belief. A Being could not act unless it Willed to Act; and it would not Will to Act, unless it Desired to Act; and it would not Desire to Act unless it obtained some Satisfaction thereby. What it is satisfied by will depend on
It's Never Too Late to Start

It's Never Too Late to Start

Yesterday night was Daegan's last day in Singapore, we sent him off to the airport to catch a flight back to Washington DC. Before he went through the immigration, we went for a drink at a Japanese restaurant.
Inner Circle Training: The Personal Transformation Tool

Inner Circle Training: The Personal Transformation Tool

How can Inner Circle training audios work to transform you? All I can tell you is, it changed me. Because it gave me hope. I can remember when I didn't believe that I could never make more than $10 an hour. Furthermore, I used to have the "servant" personality. While I always enjoyed
Emptiness and Loneliness: Stopping The Pain

Emptiness and Loneliness: Stopping The Pain

There is the pain that pulls us toward loneliness and emptiness. And there are actions we must do to leave this negative feeling from our lives. If we can do it we will be able to live the life of happiness and joy.
Daily Success - 3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Write Down Your Successes

Daily Success - 3 Reasons Why It Is Important To Write Down Your Successes

The road we travel in life can take many turns.But if you don't keep some sort of record, how will you know where you have been when you look back to see your progress? And what will you have to direct your path forward?
6 Great Stress Management Tools

6 Great Stress Management Tools

Stress is a major problem in our modern world. Ancient humans experienced stress from things like being chased by a saber tooth tiger that wanted to eat them. It was under these conditions that our bodies evolved to react to stressful conditions with the "fight or flight" mechanism.
Fear Blocks the Flow of Love

Fear Blocks the Flow of Love

Fear blocks the flow of love within ourselves and to others. Fear is created in our mind and Love resides in our Spirit. Fear is created when an individual has shifted from the "Now" to the past or the future. The "Now" is unfolding with each breath just as Love beats to the rhyt
Creativity - Being Creative With Your Problem Solving Can Make You Happy

Creativity - Being Creative With Your Problem Solving Can Make You Happy

Life is all about finding solutions to the problems we face and then facing new problems after we find the solutions. To remain active in this type of scenario, all that is needed is some effort to get things done in the most creative way. As Albert Einstein said, "You can never solve a problem
The Origin Of Vision

The Origin Of Vision

There is much talk of vision in the business world as well as in personal life. Vision is essential for success in any venture. Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs (29:18). But what is vision and where does it come from? Vision originates in the mind but how does one bring it forth
Two Secrets

Two Secrets

Today we will discuss the secret of health and the secret of success. There is a lot to understand in this short lesson, so pay close attention. The secrets of health and success are part ...
Take The Necessary Steps Towards A Better Life Today

Take The Necessary Steps Towards A Better Life Today

Knowing exactly whаt to do to improve ʏoսr life ϲan be tricky. Perѕonal development is a very unique exρerience and is different for every person. With that being said, you should always be on the ...
Finding Paradise in the Now

Finding Paradise in the Now

Those are all great dreams or goals, but do you ever notice that often our focus on what we want for our future can make us unhappy in the now? This is often caused because now we have inadvertently placed a focus on what we do not have in our life or the perceived lack in it. It can make our curren
7 Tips and Ideas in Organizing Your Bedroom

7 Tips and Ideas in Organizing Your Bedroom

Organizing your bedroom is a must, as this place should be a place of relaxation and rest. Keeping your bedroom clutter-free is also a good way to make your bedroom a free from stress as well.
What Difference Does the Return of Jesus Christ As Taught in the Scriptures Make to Our Life Now?

What Difference Does the Return of Jesus Christ As Taught in the Scriptures Make to Our Life Now?

Jesus came the first time to take away sin. Next time He will come to take away saints. It can be summed up succinctly in these few words. Jesus taught, that if you are ashamed of Me in this life, I will be ashamed of you on that day. This is a warning to us so that we will never even consider havin
Guilt, Shame And All That Jazz

Guilt, Shame And All That Jazz

Shame is feeling wrong for having desire that is not in alignment with someone else's viewpoint usually our parents. We may all remember instances when as children we had desires that did not make our parents happy, and to control those desires they shamed us in order to suppress the desire. Fo
Being Grateful

Being Grateful

What does it mean to be grateful?How do we live a life of gratitude and allow it to enrich our lives and the lives of others?
Examples of Pacing and Leading Used in NLP

Examples of Pacing and Leading Used in NLP

As you sit there, or stand there starting to read this article about pacing and leading, and you see the words on the screen, you may start to get curious as to how pacing and leading are used. Pacing is acknowledging a person's current state, and their model of the world (how they see things).