Health & Medical Self-Improvement

You Deserve to Have What You Want

You may or may not be knowledgeable or a fan of Abraham-Hicks' teachings, but the principles I'm going to discuss here are good ones, and I hope you'll find in them how they can be helpful, personally.
Anyone remember this old adage: "Spoil the kid, Forget the rod.
" No?! Okay, so it's really, "Forget the rod, spoil the child," but didn't the first one feel a little better (if not a bit naughty)? Every now and then, it feels really good to throw caution to the wind and let your family eat ice cream for dinner and dinner for dessert, right? I hope so.
Or how about giving your pup a treat, just for existing and making your world a happier place, not only because they followed an order? Sometimes, my puppy just lays near me while I'm cooking, loyally, loving me unconditionally, and I feel compelled to give her a treat, precisely because I know her love is unconditional.
The universe seems very similar, to me in that regard.
It notices and appreciates when we are loyally, unconditionally loving life, and it rewards us with whatever we're asking for: those "coincidental" moments when one good thing right after another keeps rolling our way, and we just spiral upward in joy.
That's the "law of attraction" at its best, and that's you in harmony with what it is you want.
When you ask for something you want, the universe, or source, or God, whatever you want to call it, doesn't just give it, it actually becomes that which you want! It pulsates as it, vibrates as it, it already exists, vibrationally.
Your only job, as Abraham-Hicks teaches, is to get into that vibration, pulsate on the same playing field, in harmony with the universe existing as what you want.
Continuing with the puppy analogy, while I'm cooking, Dagney is in complete harmony with me, because she's not under foot, she's not begging or whining for food, she's simply doing what she pleases, with content, and I appreciate that, so I give her a treat.
On the other hand, when she's whining, I will give her a command to obey that will put her in harmony with my current intent (yes, I just realized I'm comparing us to the universe and our pets as humans, my apologies, with humor!).
If she does so willingly, pays attention to me, I may give her a treat.
If she doesn't, I will not.
See, you always have a choice: to allow yourself to be compelled, inspired, easily toward what source is being, or to resist.
Let yourself go to what you want to be, instead of "beating the drum" of "what is," which is limiting yourself to looking around at your present conditions and going, "What I want is not here, what I want is not here, what I want I don't have, I really want that treat so why aren't you giving me that treat, I don't see any treat, I'm not happy without that treat, I'm sad without that treat, I'll fade away if I don't get that treat.
" You always have a choice.
Unconditionally love yourself, your life, and start dancing without waiting for the music, a partner, the right clothes, to paraphrase Mike Dooley, OR wait impatiently, feeling desperate, in resistance.
Seems like an easy choice, when put that way, oddly...

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