Faith Vs Fear - Which One Will You Choose to Follow?
The topics of faith versus fear are ones that have started intense debates.
One is God's system of operation, and the other is Satan's system of operation.
Fear is really contaminated faith.
It's the exact system that the enemy, Satan (or the devil), will use to try to get you to doubt and have a miserable life.
If you have experienced sickness, he will suggest to you that you will stay sick.
If you have a history of illness in your family, he will get you to feel that it will come upon you, as well.
Remember, Satan is the Father of Lies.
The devil is a liar.
God's Word tells us that our adversary, the devil, roams around "like a lion seeking whom he may devour.
" So for people who don't believe there's a devil, then you must question if you believe in God.
God is the one who told us there's a devil! Faith, on the other hand, is God's system.
I always think of the story in the Bible of the fig tree.
Jesus was hungry, and He and His disciples were walking toward the fig tree.
When Jesus came upon it, he saw that there were no figs on it, and he cursed the tree and said, "You will never bear fruit and no one will ever eat from you again.
" The next day, when the disciples walked by that very fig tree, it was dead.
They couldn't believe what they saw, and they asked Jesus, "How did you do that?" And Jesus answered them and said, "Have faith in God.
" That means have the God kind of faith.
The Bible also tells us it is impossible to please Him without faith.
He requires us to trust Him and to have faith in Him and His Word.
We we act in obedience to His Word, believe His Word, trust Him and stand on His promises to us, no matter what it looks like or feels like, HE will take care of the rest.
Faith and obedience are absolute keys.
They go hand in hand together.
Additionally, Jesus said, "Ask and you will receive; Seek and you shall find, and Knock and it shall be opened to you.
" I love that.
If you notice, ask, seek and knock all begin with the letters (ASK).
The Lord wants us to come to Him and ask and believe, not doubting.
He says when we pray, believe we have received the very thing we have prayed for, and we will have it.
Just when you are feeling good about what you asked of God, the enemy will come along and suggest to you that it's not going to happen.
Circumstances may look like it, too.
You may still experience symptoms of sickness in your body.
But you must stand -- just keep standing on what God said.
Fight thoughts with words! God tells us 365 times in His Word not to fear.
I believe that is once for every day of the year!
One is God's system of operation, and the other is Satan's system of operation.
Fear is really contaminated faith.
It's the exact system that the enemy, Satan (or the devil), will use to try to get you to doubt and have a miserable life.
If you have experienced sickness, he will suggest to you that you will stay sick.
If you have a history of illness in your family, he will get you to feel that it will come upon you, as well.
Remember, Satan is the Father of Lies.
The devil is a liar.
God's Word tells us that our adversary, the devil, roams around "like a lion seeking whom he may devour.
" So for people who don't believe there's a devil, then you must question if you believe in God.
God is the one who told us there's a devil! Faith, on the other hand, is God's system.
I always think of the story in the Bible of the fig tree.
Jesus was hungry, and He and His disciples were walking toward the fig tree.
When Jesus came upon it, he saw that there were no figs on it, and he cursed the tree and said, "You will never bear fruit and no one will ever eat from you again.
" The next day, when the disciples walked by that very fig tree, it was dead.
They couldn't believe what they saw, and they asked Jesus, "How did you do that?" And Jesus answered them and said, "Have faith in God.
" That means have the God kind of faith.
The Bible also tells us it is impossible to please Him without faith.
He requires us to trust Him and to have faith in Him and His Word.
We we act in obedience to His Word, believe His Word, trust Him and stand on His promises to us, no matter what it looks like or feels like, HE will take care of the rest.
Faith and obedience are absolute keys.
They go hand in hand together.
Additionally, Jesus said, "Ask and you will receive; Seek and you shall find, and Knock and it shall be opened to you.
" I love that.
If you notice, ask, seek and knock all begin with the letters (ASK).
The Lord wants us to come to Him and ask and believe, not doubting.
He says when we pray, believe we have received the very thing we have prayed for, and we will have it.
Just when you are feeling good about what you asked of God, the enemy will come along and suggest to you that it's not going to happen.
Circumstances may look like it, too.
You may still experience symptoms of sickness in your body.
But you must stand -- just keep standing on what God said.
Fight thoughts with words! God tells us 365 times in His Word not to fear.
I believe that is once for every day of the year!