Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Lifelong Learning Success Factors - 5 Tips to Put to Work Today

Lifelong Learning Success Factors - 5 Tips to Put to Work Today

The famous futurist Alvin Toffler said many years ago that, "The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn." That predication is becoming truer every day. Whether for professional development or for your own self-i
How to Handle Stress

How to Handle Stress

Have you paid attention to your stress level recently?Are you having problems to get some rest? Do you know that when you are too tired your body releases in your blood system a stress hormone called cortisol that makes it hard to fall (and stay) asleep, even tough you are exhausted?
Powerlessness To Being Powerful - Making The Switch

Powerlessness To Being Powerful - Making The Switch

Do you see yourself as an individual who is powerless or powerful? We often find ourselves in both positions but which one do we draw to the most? The varying pressures that we experience every day br
Creating Space Below the Bar - A Necessary Leadership "Evil"

Creating Space Below the Bar - A Necessary Leadership "Evil"

Giving people the space to live "below the bar" every once in a while; to provide care; compassion; support; and safe space; to witness them, is an act of leadership. It is an honor to be trusted to hold this space for someone; it's where intimacy and trust are born at a deeper level,
The Dangers of Low Self Esteem

The Dangers of Low Self Esteem

Some may think that low self esteem just means a person does not think as highly of themselves as they should. That is a dangerously oversimplified definition of that phrase.
Defending Yourself Is Easier Than You Think

Defending Yourself Is Easier Than You Think

Defending Yourself is Easier Than You Think Personal defense is a significant interest in today’s world. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, there is crime going on. The best protective measures possible ...
Think Different (Who Was Steve Jobs?)

Think Different (Who Was Steve Jobs?)

Thanks to Steve Jobs we all think differently. Many, many stories have been written about Steve particularly since his death. They have primarily focused on how he influenced our thinking about technology, and about the way and through what vehicles we all communicate. Unquestionably, because of his
Reprogramming Yourself At The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Reprogramming Yourself At The Comfort Of Your Own Home

If you're like most of us, you've probably heard how hypnosis has helped so many people to achieve their goals, overcome problems, break bad habits, and so on. You even thought of how you might ...
Is Achievement and Success In the Genes?

Is Achievement and Success In the Genes?

Over the years, I've often wondered how come I personally have had success in so many different endeavors and why others are lackadaisical, lethargic, and lazy in going after their own dreams. What is it that makes one person decide to go for it, and another to hang-back in a timid stance, afra
Cameco's Uranium For New Mexico's New Enrichment Facility?

Cameco's Uranium For New Mexico's New Enrichment Facility?

Guess what? Our recent investigation shows the uranium to be enriched in the LES/Urenco proposed enrichment facility in Lea County, New Mexico may come neither from uranium properties in New Mexico no
Do You Really Want to Quit Your Addiction?

Do You Really Want to Quit Your Addiction?

Do you really want to give up your addiction?Hasn't it gotten you out of a relationship, work or maybe a family function you didn't want to go to?
The Aggravation Index - A Measurement Tool For Actual Cost Of Anything

The Aggravation Index - A Measurement Tool For Actual Cost Of Anything

Many things in life are aggravating. In fact, one could argue that life itself is aggravating. However, for the purposes of this discussion, let's deal with aggravation as a cost of doing something. We'll measure it via AI = Aggravation Index.
Successful Mindset - Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Successful Mindset - Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Have you ever heard the saying 'your attitude determines your altitude'? It's a phrase that originated from flying. The attitude or orientation of the plane relative to the ground literally determines how high the plane can fly.
Hypnotize A Girl Easily - Learn To Pick Up Girls Like The Pros Do!

Hypnotize A Girl Easily - Learn To Pick Up Girls Like The Pros Do!

Any man that never had a date in is life certainly hasn't heard about hypnosis. Exactly what does it take to actually speak with a woman or maybe more, what does it take to date her? Men, let
5 Tips to Gain Self Confidence

5 Tips to Gain Self Confidence

Some people struggle with low confidence. It can be so low as to be painful and hold a person back from doing many things in life.
How to Improve Grammar

How to Improve Grammar

How can we speak better language with grammar? Suppose you are able to speak a few words of a new foreign language, you will become more and more sensitive to the correctness of the usage of the language with regard to its grammar. It is important to practice a learning habit to speak good grammar
Is Your Job Taking Over Your Life?

Is Your Job Taking Over Your Life?

In our age of universal, instaneous communication, it's getting harder and harder to get away from work for a real vacation. The job has a way of intruding into your life, preventing you from getting the relaxation you need to recharge yourself. The solution to this problem is easy to describe,
Seven Gateways to Happiness a Positive Psychology Method for Increased Happiness

Seven Gateways to Happiness a Positive Psychology Method for Increased Happiness

Positive psychology and the Enchanted Self Gateways to Happiness emphasize how important and how much fun it can be to rediscover the best of ourselves.
Coping With Chaos? Shift Your Focus.

Coping With Chaos? Shift Your Focus.

Today, we are all experiencing more and more chaos in our daily lives. The whys and wherefores have to do with the spiritual ascension process that is happening planet-wide. The chaos is all coming from lower vibrational frequencies.
Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse

Many alcoholics have event-filled lives, jobs, families, homes, cars and pets. They may have never been in trouble and maybe have never had a DUI, not yet at least. They live to drink and drink to live while keeping up appearances to the outside world. But ask anyone who lives with them, or has seen