Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Simple Success Metrics

How success is defined varies as to who is making a definition.
But let me share to you my views about success and how you can say that you are successful.
I define success as a fulfillment of a goal.
It is achieved when you have a set of goals and you accomplish them.
Whatever goal it may be for as long you are able to do it makes you successful in your own right.
Books have different insights of how to be successful and from person-to-person we all have criteria in determining the success rate that we come so far in our lives.
Man's quest for greater prestige, wealth and power is unending.
For some, these serve as measurements of success.
The more material things you gain makes you a successful individual.
Others would say material success is artificial or just in the mind.
What matters most is enjoying life in a relaxed state.
It does not matter if you are not rich for as long as you have a harmonious relationship with your family, good health and can eat three times a day.
Higher education would even suggest the use of a thousand metrics in measuring success with a number of statistical methodologies and indices.
With these, to a simple person, make life complicated.
In my own judgment, what makes an individual successful is very easy.
I have simple criteria for this.
First, a successful person enjoys what he is doing and excels in his work.
Second, he has contentment with what he has and makes good use of everything he owns.
Third, he knows how to value himself and other people and is willing to share his gifts, skills and talents to his community.
Fourth, he has the eagerness to make life or situation he experiences the best in whatever way and can easily cope with pressures or bad situations.
Fifth, when a person is at peace with himself and his Supreme Being, then success is just at hand.
It flows naturally and exudes the glow of a relaxed being.

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