Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Negative Thinking Can Be Dangerous - 4 Tips To Help You Overcome It

Negative Thinking Can Be Dangerous - 4 Tips To Help You Overcome It

This is just how depression starts. Sitting, brooding about things that happened in the past, real or imagined wrongs that were done to you. Thinking about the future in a negative way isn't any better.
7 Surprising Reasons Why Your Life Is Boring

7 Surprising Reasons Why Your Life Is Boring

If you feel life is boring or you hate life, discover 7 common reasons why people feel this way. Learn how to change your life quickly and get on track to living life to the fullest. You can live a li
Whatever Happened to Empathy?

Whatever Happened to Empathy?

Where has empathy gone? Replaced by anger, jealousy, judgment, and apathy; it seems to have disappeared from the consciousness of the general population.
Self Gratitude and Personal Success

Self Gratitude and Personal Success

Self gratitude is the ability to appreciate self without the benefit of an outside influence and it is something that is very difficult for most people to do though without a doubt it is the most powerful thing any of us can learn to do. There are so many different tools and systems to success that
Exploring the Root Causes of Stress - Maybe It's Not What You Think

Exploring the Root Causes of Stress - Maybe It's Not What You Think

Dr. Rachel Remen wrote in her book "My Grandfather's Blessings," "Perhaps the root cause of stress is not overbearing bosses, ill-behaved children, the breakdown of relationships. It is the loss of a sense of our soul. If so, all the ways in which we have attempted to ease stress
Taking The Mystery Out Of Hypnosis

Taking The Mystery Out Of Hypnosis

I’ve compiled and addressed some of my favorite hypnosis myths to help clarify exactly what hypnosis is, and more to point, what it is not.
The Law of Attraction - First, Simplest, and Strongest of the Universal Or Forgotten Laws

The Law of Attraction - First, Simplest, and Strongest of the Universal Or Forgotten Laws

Every person has a wealth of untapped potential in themselves. Most people are unaware that every experience they have had in life was caused by their thoughts and emotions. It is a bitter pill to swallow and many people will turn away from this information because of the pain involved in accepting
On Faith, Love And Joy

On Faith, Love And Joy

Disorders come part of our lives. In these situations, we can't deny our imperfections, as well. We all try our best to surpass trials and barriers in various aspects and in the way we live everyday.
Where Does Creativity Fit In Your Life?

Where Does Creativity Fit In Your Life?

Even when you have no time and don't feel creative, you are surrounded by your own creativity. To be creative makes life juicy, even if it's small things.
Would The Real You Stand Up Please?

Would The Real You Stand Up Please?

Ask anyone, "Who are you?" and they will reel off a list of attributes relating to their occupation, education or familial status. "I am an architect, husband, father, mother, accountant, etc." What you do in your waking hours encompasses one facet of your life. It holds signific
Understanding the Self Through Astral Projection

Understanding the Self Through Astral Projection

One of the most effective forms of self improvement in health psychology is visual imagery. One of my professors in university used this technique everyday and after ten years she was able to throw away her glasses. She had actually reformed the lenses of her eyes to the point she didn't need g
10 Things To Remember When Life Turns Bad

10 Things To Remember When Life Turns Bad

There are probably hundreds of things to remember when life turns bad. Here are ten.
How To Declutter A Closet Quickly And Easily

How To Declutter A Closet Quickly And Easily

Discover how easy it is to declutter a closet. Learn how decide what to keep and what to get rid of.
The Ten Commandments: An Interpretation

The Ten Commandments: An Interpretation

If one transgresses one commandment, then one is guilty of all. Therefore all the commandments are each a microcosm of the others. This is an introduction to the Law as mirror of the soul.
Five Steps to Prosperity

Five Steps to Prosperity

If you want prosperity, where do you start? It is no secret that we all want it, but how do we get it? Here is a list of FIVE things you can do to get ...
White Sun - USD1.00 Note

White Sun - USD1.00 Note

The Truth of life is a mysterious one. Even the USD1.00 note can point us to the Truth, but who knows? This one dollar note was designed and produced about two hundred years ago. Why would the Americans want to put an Egyptian symbol on their one dollar note? Is it because they believed that the pyr
Across the World to Find Freedom

Across the World to Find Freedom

Sitting at my tiny office cubicle, I stared out the window at the birds soaring through the clear blue sky. I found myself envying the birds because they could fly anywhere while I felt trapped ...
Working on Your Fears

Working on Your Fears

As children, my brother, two sisters and myself we were not allowed to bring anything in the house that even resembled a snake. I remember once being at Geauga Lake, an amusement park near the Clevel...
You Have A Gift - Release It

You Have A Gift - Release It

Every person on this earth has a special gift. The gifts may not all be equal but they are all special. What is your gift?
When To Follow Your Intuition

When To Follow Your Intuition

How to know whether an inner message you receive contains the highest wisdom and should be followed.