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Holiday Survival for the Ultra Shy

Holiday Survival for the Ultra Shy

Just because you're shy doesn't mean you have to dodge the mistletoe this holiday season.
EFT for a Car Accident

EFT for a Car Accident

After a car accident, EFT can be an extremely useful tool to help anyone involved to overcome the physical and emotional effects of that trauma. I would urge people who have been in car accidents, whether recent or long past, to tap on acupuncture points while reviewing the images, physical sensatio
Anafranil Is a Tricyclic Antidepressants to Treat Depression

Anafranil Is a Tricyclic Antidepressants to Treat Depression

Anafranil contain Clomipramine belongs to the class of drug recognized as tricyclic antidepressants. It is used to treat mental illness and obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). These disorders are related to imbalances of certain brain chemicals. This ...
Learn How to Use Anxiety Self-Help Techniques to Cure Your Panic Attacks!

Learn How to Use Anxiety Self-Help Techniques to Cure Your Panic Attacks!

Now, while most people will agree that professional help will certainly yield a positive effect, others may be skeptical of the value of anxiety self help. In reality, there is no reason to feel skeptical about the potential ability to provide self help strategies to reverse anxiety.
Behavior Modifications

Behavior Modifications

Sometimes it isn't your body that you should be questioning. We first have to look at the source of who we really are, and what can be changed, and what can't.
Breaking Up Really Hard on You

Breaking Up Really Hard on You

Depression is more likely to occur after a romantic breakup that also was humiliating.
Choosing a Treatment For Panic Attacks That Will Work For You

Choosing a Treatment For Panic Attacks That Will Work For You

Finding an effective treatment for panic attacks can be quite difficult. Every person has different circumstances and issues to deal with. Let me show you the options you have available to you, and how you can rid yourself of panic attacks for good.
Long-Term Effects of Percocet Abuse

Long-Term Effects of Percocet Abuse

Percocet, an opiate prescribed to treat severe pain, contains acetominophen and Oxycodone, which is a narcotic. It is known to be highly addictive. The drug comes in pill form and abusers who manage to multiply their prescriptions or buy off the street have been known to take 20-40 pills a day (the
Children With ADHD - Making and Keeping Friends

Children With ADHD - Making and Keeping Friends

Making and keeping friends for children with ADHD can be a struggle. Children with ADHD tend to have problems with their social skills.
Helping Someone who is having a Panic Attack

Helping Someone who is having a Panic Attack

Millions of people worldwide suffer from panic attacks. That means that millions of friends and family are also affected by them. If you are one of the friends or family, then there are things you ...
ADHD News About Substance Abuse, Smoking And Drugs

ADHD News About Substance Abuse, Smoking And Drugs

The latest ADHD news about substance abuse and smoking confirms the earlier studies. We will look at these studies in the article and then look at how parental intervention can help to prevent these p
Healing With Matrix Reimprinting - Treating The Root Cause Of An Allergy

Healing With Matrix Reimprinting - Treating The Root Cause Of An Allergy

Everyone has issues in their life, some trivial, some major. Some are so prevalent that they affect our behaviour and our health. Issues can manifest themselves in specific areas like relationships, career and our relationship to money. If you don't believe you deserve good relationships, a goo
Define Psychiatrists

Define Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists are licensed physicians trained to recognize and treat mental illness. They often work closely with psychologists who are unable to prescribe medicine but can assist in diagnosing and formulating a long-term treatment plan.
Escitalopram in the Prevention of PTSD

Escitalopram in the Prevention of PTSD

SSRIs are effective first-line pharmacotherapy for acute and chronic PTSD. Might they also be useful for PTSD prevention?
Non Medicinal Treatment of ADHD - A Simple 3-Step Program to Reduce Symptoms Without Side Effects

Non Medicinal Treatment of ADHD - A Simple 3-Step Program to Reduce Symptoms Without Side Effects

Looking for a plan for non medicinal treatment of ADHD? In this article, you'll learn about a completely natural way to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that is simple, practical and can help your child start doing better and behaving more appropriately at home and at school.
AD-HD - An Introduction to Developing and Maintaining Self-Worth

AD-HD - An Introduction to Developing and Maintaining Self-Worth

Boosting the self-esteem or self-image of an AD-HD child is not an easy job. When children feel good about themselves, everything goes smoother for them and for you, the parents.
How to Use Faith to Support Your Anger Management Program

How to Use Faith to Support Your Anger Management Program

Faith is what we believes in. Sometimes, you need a big boost of support in your anger management program. One source of that kind of boost can came from your faith. Find out more in this article!
The Best Way to Beat Depression

The Best Way to Beat Depression

Depression is debilitating. Symptoms such as hopelessness, weight loss and the inability to sleep can interfere with functioning and cause you to feel like giving up. Getting help quickly is the key to beating depression, so it is important to recognize the symptoms of depression and know how to see
Disadvantages to Smoking Cigarettes

Disadvantages to Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking has been linked to serious health problems.smoking image by Alison Bowden from Fotolia.comAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking contributes to one in five deaths in the United States every year. There is not one organ in the body that...
Teenagers - Anxiety and Panic Attacks Can Disrupt Their Lives

Teenagers - Anxiety and Panic Attacks Can Disrupt Their Lives

With the pressures of academic achievement, biological changes stirring in the body, changes in their social life, adulthood approaching - compared to most adults, since they lack the skills that come