Long-Term Effects of Percocet Abuse
- Drugs like Percocet activate a function of the brain that craves rewards. Percocet users enjoy the euphoric feeling Percocet provides and begin to crave it. Their moods and feelings take a downturn when they do not have the drug in their system and therefore focus all of their attentions on obtaining more of the drug. This may lead to unhealthy practices such as buying (or stealing) others' prescriptions, purchasing unregulated forms of the drug online from overseas, or attempting to replicate the drug with household materials or other drugs.
- Percocet abuse may reduce peoples' ability to think rationally or be completely aware of their surroundings. This could lead to the user putting him/herself in dangerous situations. Percocet abuse may also lead to confusing thoughts or unusual behavior---it may cause users to act in ways they would never contemplate without the drug.
- Even though Percocet is prescribed by doctors, it has side effects that attack the body comparable to those of many illegal narcotics. People taking Percocet may experience nausea, rash, constipation, dizziness, and dry mouth. Long-term users open themselves up to more serious complications such as renal or liver damage, lower testosterone levels, seizure, and fatal respiratory depression. Further, although Percocet is quickly dispensed from the pharmacy, it can lead to the agonizing withdrawal symptoms shown with many illegal drugs. Long-time Percocet users often have trouble getting off the drug, even if they want to.
- Percocet is a central nervous system depressant. Long-time abusers of the drug may have problems breathing and regulating their heart beat. The drug will also interact with other central nervous system depressants such as sleeping pills, alcohol, and sedatives.
- Because they are always chasing the first high they received when encountering Percocet for the first time, long-time abusers of the drug require more and more pills. They are often moody or anxious about how to get their supply, and relationships with family, friends, and significant others may suffer. Percocet users may find it impossible to deal with anything except procuring their next dose. They may suffer in the workplace, too, losing jobs due to absence or tardiness. They may not be able to function as well on the job (Percocet will "fog" the brain and therefore be dangerous for those who work with heavy machinery) and have problems socializing with their coworkers.