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Depression in High Schoolers

Depression in High Schoolers

Depression among high schoolers is a serious issue. Depression can affect a teenager's ability to function normally at home and at school. Suicide and drug abuse are also associated with teenage depression. Though depression among high school students is treatable, only approximately 20 percent of d
What Effect Does Nicotine Have on the Lungs?

What Effect Does Nicotine Have on the Lungs?

NicotineNicotine is an alkaloid substance found in cigarettes. It is responsible for the mood-altering effects of smoking. Nicotine, derived from tobacco plants, is responsible for aiding in addiction to cigarettes, and can be extremely harmful to the body.InhalationNicotine enters the...
Identifying the Causes of Panic Disorders

Identifying the Causes of Panic Disorders

Panic attacks can happen anywhere at any time to any person. The majority of the people in the world will experience at least one panic attack in their lifetime. Panic disorder exists when a person has frequent panic attacks that cause them to develop phobias, such as a fear of going certain places,
How to Get Grass Out of Dianthus Beds

How to Get Grass Out of Dianthus Beds

Dianthus blooms in the spring and summer in shades of pink, red and white. When you grow dianthus outdoors, weeds and grass may invade the flowerbeds. Allowing grass to remain in the dianthus beds makes them appear unattractive and the grass competes with the flowers. Grass can eventually choke out
Low Level Anxiety Disorder

Low Level Anxiety Disorder

While there is no actual disorder known as "low-level anxiety disorder" low-level anxiety is a symptom of the condition known as generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD. Generalized anxiety disorder afflicts over six million Americans, as reported by the Anxiety Disorder Association of America, and is
Treating Trichotillomania - Which Route Should We Take?

Treating Trichotillomania - Which Route Should We Take?

Treating Trichotillomania can basically be done through one of two major means available. We can either seek to treat this condition within ourselves by using powerful medications, or by the use of psychological training and behavioral therapies. The first method mentioned here, medications, can hav
A Natural Way to Cure Panic Attacks

A Natural Way to Cure Panic Attacks

When you are diagnosed with an anxiety and panic disorder it may be difficult to decide on a treatment that will enable you to find a cure that is right for you. If you decide that medication is not your preferred choice of treatment perhaps it might be worth considering the benefits of a natural tr
Depression Among College Students

Depression Among College Students

According to the National College Depression Partnership (NCDP), in a population of 18 million college students, around 2.35 million may deal with serious depression while attending college. The proportion of college students with clinical depression rose from 10 percent in 2000 to 16 percent in 200
How to Use Alcohol to Cure a Cough

How to Use Alcohol to Cure a Cough

People have been using alcohol to cure coughs for generations. The reason that alcohol works so well is that it makes your throat numb, warms up your chest and slows down your brain. These in combination stop the body from feeling the need to cough. Many over-the-counter cough medicines do not work
How to Detect Down Syndrome with a 4D Ultrasound

How to Detect Down Syndrome with a 4D Ultrasound

Expectant mothers often wonder about the health of their growing fetus. In particular, many women worry about the possibility of having a baby with Down syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by impaired cognitive aptitude and physical growth as well as a defined set of facial features. Although
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of bipolar disorder in children and teens including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Joe Barry Panic Away - Does it Work or Not?

Joe Barry Panic Away - Does it Work or Not?

Panic Away is a popular guide for treating and preventing panic attacks. Does it actually work?
Anti Anxiety Drugs - What to Consider - Taking Charge of Treatment

Anti Anxiety Drugs - What to Consider - Taking Charge of Treatment

You have now met with your physician and a mental health care provider about your anxiety, and a treatment plan is beginning to form. Many cases of anxiety are treated with cognitive-behavior therapy alone. But ...
Organic Products For Pimples Exposed Skin

Organic Products For Pimples Exposed Skin

We usually affiliate with acne and a young life change is that acne attacks each at least once in their lives. Acne skin sebaceous glands produce an unwanted result of natural oils. Some of the ...
Curing Depression or Neurosis through Dream Therapy

Curing Depression or Neurosis through Dream Therapy

You may believe that you are depressed for many personal reasons, but you basically become depressed because you understand how weak you are. You cannot change the world. You cannot change the people
The Problem of Anxiety and Children: A Review of Anxiety Free Child Program

The Problem of Anxiety and Children: A Review of Anxiety Free Child Program

It is amazing how anxiety prone modern day society has become. Parents are afraid to let their children doorknock for the scouts or charities and don't want them to ride a bicycle or walk to
Bipolar Disorder - Myths And Facts

Bipolar Disorder - Myths And Facts

An overview of the myths and mistruths surrounding bipolar disorder.We've taken some of them and answered them.
Drugs For Panic Attacks - 4 Common Drugs and How They Work

Drugs For Panic Attacks - 4 Common Drugs and How They Work

Do you want to know which drugs for panic attacks actually work?This article introduces you to 4 of the most commonly used drugs for panic attacks, that you will want to know about.
There, There, Texans - Breakin' Up May Not Be So Hard to Do, After All

There, There, Texans - Breakin' Up May Not Be So Hard to Do, After All

I distinctly remember my first real breakup, experienced during that adventurous, turbulent, and notorious freshman year of college. I had just moved away from my tiny, Midwestern hometown to seek my degree at a large university out of state. My partner and I had pledged our undying commitment to ea
7 Migraine Symptoms

7 Migraine Symptoms

An Overview: What is Migraine? In layman terms, people often get confused between headache and migraine. It is very essential to understand that migraine is way ahead than headache. Now what exactly is a migraine? ...