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Treating Major Depressive Disorder With Psychotic Features

Treating Major Depressive Disorder With Psychotic Features

Should antidepressants and antipsychotics be combined for the treatment of psychotic depression? What about ECT? This review addresses the complex treatment options for this underdiagnosed disorder.
Cure Panic Attacks - The Best Ways to Do It

Cure Panic Attacks - The Best Ways to Do It

If you need to cure panic attacks, then we are going to talk about the best ways to do it. Now truly, there are no real "cures" for panic attacks, but there are several ways to lower your chances of having one.
Flying in Airplanes With Bipolar Disorder

Flying in Airplanes With Bipolar Disorder

Most people find travel by airplane to be stressful. Crowded airports, flight delays, and long lines can make anyone feel out of sorts. People with bipolar disorder may have particular issues they need to address before flying. Taking time to prepare yourself for your trip can help you better manage
Periodontitis & Smoking

Periodontitis & Smoking

Periodontitis is a disease in which inflammation of the gums spread to the ligaments and bones that hold the teeth. Periodontitis is the number one cause of tooth loss. Smoking increases a person's risk of getting periodontitis. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, 41% of persons th
Harmonious Love in a Relationship

Harmonious Love in a Relationship

LOVE: The experience of a blissful and highly gratifying feeling that elicits a deep desire and enthusiasm to live one's life to the fullest. In the dawning of morning light In the sound of wind through the trees. An ocean wave laps upon the shore and the sparkle in your eyes reminds me of My r
Are You Afraid Of Being Trapped By Another Narcissistic Personality?

Are You Afraid Of Being Trapped By Another Narcissistic Personality?

After having suffered narcissistic abuse, it is common to be afraid of being tricked by another narcissist again. Initially the person who did fall into the clutches of a narcissist was unaware. They may not ...
Reduce Stress With Practical Relaxation Strategies

Reduce Stress With Practical Relaxation Strategies

As you move through your busy day, stress accumulates to create an impact on your mind, body and spirit. Often, I hear clients say, "I just do not have time to relax." Yet, time is available in our day if we realize that even three to five minutes of relaxation can help protect the body ag
The Unwoven Tapestry of Dreams, Visions

The Unwoven Tapestry of Dreams, Visions

What do dreams mean and where do they come from? Some beliefs are that dreams are the mind's way of working through worry and stress.
Stopping a Panic Attack

Stopping a Panic Attack

A panic attack is most likely triggered by stress and misplaced anxiety. When you do not know how to cope up with pressure from handling your daily life, you would feel stressed which will make you a prone target of panic attacks. Aside from controlling yourself, there are also other tips on how to
Anti-Anxiety Herbal Remedies

Anti-Anxiety Herbal Remedies

Anxiety is a disorder that affects people of all ages. Whether one suffers from chronic or acute anxiety, its manifestations are disturbing--even frightening. A variety of herbs are available that can address the physical causes of anxiety. (Note: Not all herbs are appropriate for all people. Always
2007 APA: May 22, 2007

2007 APA: May 22, 2007

Which psychotropics and antipsychotics stimulate neurogenesis? Jeffrey Lieberman, MD, and Fred Gage, PhD, discuss their ground-breaking research. Plus, the benefits of psychiatrists in primary care.
What Does it Feel Like to Be a Child With ADD?

What Does it Feel Like to Be a Child With ADD?

Are you right or left handed?For a moment, try to imagine someone telling you that you have to do everything with your left hand if you are right handed or with your right if you are left handed.
Discover The Benefits Of Hypnosis Therapy

Discover The Benefits Of Hypnosis Therapy

You may probably have heard of people turning to hypnosis therapy to help alleviate some of the pains, discomforts, and other medical problems they might be feeling. The big question is this: does it really work? While the results vary, there are however, enough good results to warrant at least a cl
The Evolution of Our Modern Holistic Philosophies

The Evolution of Our Modern Holistic Philosophies

A clarification of the holistic philosophy and how it has evolved of the last few centuries. The reason it has become so maligned and how we can get it back on track, as it applies to counselling. A candid discussion of where we went wrong and where some of the misconceptions may have come from.
Signs & Symptoms of Anorexia in Males

Signs & Symptoms of Anorexia in Males

Men also have issues with body image.gliederpuppe - gesund leben image by Ideenkoch from Fotolia.comAnorexia nervosa, also called simply anorexia, is a fear of being overweight to the point of an irrational obsession of being thin. This irrational behavior drives those suffering from...
How to Take an Anger Management Course

How to Take an Anger Management Course

Anger management is the ability to recognize you are becoming angry and then taking the necessary steps to diffuse the emotion into a positive experience by calming down. While some individuals can successfully learn to control these emotions without the need for professional assistance, others may
The Debate over Recovered Memories

The Debate over Recovered Memories

The debate over recovered memories still rages in some courts, therapists' offices, and homes.
How to Achieve a More Successful Recovery Following a Brain Injury

How to Achieve a More Successful Recovery Following a Brain Injury

The degree of success with the progress of recovery will be dependent upon many things. It is rare, however, that there is ever complete recovery from brain injury because the brain injured survivor is usually left with some deficits. These deficits generally are permanent and cannot be overcome lik
What Are the Energy Drains in Your Life?

What Are the Energy Drains in Your Life?

Are you having trouble enjoying the good things life has to offer? Are you overwhelmed by fatigue? Apathy? Do you struggle with simply feeling drained? We have felt similarly energy-less and out of control at times in our own lives--usually during moments when we are not taking care of our own needs
OCD Forum - How to Get Rid of the Embarrassment That Comes With Having OCD

OCD Forum - How to Get Rid of the Embarrassment That Comes With Having OCD

This article will show you how you don't have to be embarrassed because of OCD. It will show you how to live a normal life, just like if you don't struggle with obsessive thoughts. My other articles actually show you how to get rid of OCD so I know all these resources I've put togethe