6 Keys to Control Panic Attacks
If you're having a panic attack you might experience the following: elevated levels of anxiety, fast breathing, feelings that you might be having a heart attack, seeing spots in front of your eyes, and even blacking out if it's really bad.Developing the skill to eliminate panic problems ca
8 Resveratrol Health Benefits Revealed By Experts
Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin that has umpteen numbers of health benefits. About 60 benefits have been found and exhaustive researches are still being carried out.
Tools for Overcoming Hardships
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines hardship as "something that causes or entails suffering or privation" and suggests the term "adversity" as a synonym. Both words imply an ongoing difficult or unfavorable condition. Whether the hardship is economic, psychological or physical or has some
How to Tell If You're Really Depressed
Everyone feels sad from time to time. This sadness can be random or linked to a tragic event such as the breakup of a relationship, chronic illness, terminal illness or the death of a loved one. While this sadness can be overwhelming and consuming, it is important to make the distinction between fee
Learn About Some Scary ADHD Facts
ADHD facts can be really scary for example, did you know that ADHD affects 5% of all children?Facts about ADHD itself are bad enough but facts about medication are even worse. Let's take ADHD first and follow with medication facts.
Mental Health and Fitness Counseling - One Alternative for Several Complications
Have you been facing virtually any relationship problem? Are you experiencing difficulties is working with your child? Have you been a new mum as well as suffering from postpartum depression symptoms? Will you continue being ...
Twisted Ovarian Cysts - Why They Must Be Treated Fast
If you've been suffering from ovarian cysts for a while I can understand what you are going through. I literally had to go through hell for many years before I found the right treatment. Twis
Good Discipline Techniques For Parenting a Child With ADHD
It is important that parents remember that children with ADHD are not trying to misbehave. Their actions are a direct result of their diagnosis, and it has nothing to do with them purposely trying to irritate their parents. They simply need a little extra guidance and some behavior modification to l
Maybe Labels Do Matter
Do labels matter? That depends on what kind of label you are thinking about. In the big picture, clothing labels don't really matter, but feeling labels do.
How To Cure Panic Attacks
Do you suffer from panic or anxiety attacks? You can cure them. Believe me, I'm living proof! Letting panic attacks get the best of you means not living life to the fullest, and who wants ...
Reasons for Being Tired All the Time & Nauseous
Fatigue and nausea can have many physical and psychological causes. Home treatment can often relieve fatigue or nausea, but you also should know the warning signs of a more serious illness.
Curing Panic Disorder and Anxiety - Simple Methods That Will Stop This For Good!
Any one who has ever experienced panic disorder or anxiety attacks knows just how much they can disrupt your life. Many things can trigger an attack, from the fear of getting stuck in traffic, fear at being in enclosed spaces or just anxiousness in normal situations for no apparent reason; living wi
Adverse effect of Cellphone on your Health
Research has shown that use of Cellphone can cause damage to both our Ears and Brain. Cellphone radiation on human health is the subject of recent interest and study, as a result of the enormous incre
Conference Report From the Addiction Psychiatry Meeting
Seleted reports from the Addiction Psychiatry Meeting
Two Teddy Bears Help Owners, Young and Old, Survive Through Traumatic Times
Strange how a teddy bear can give a child the support he needs to get through the most trying of times; and the bears continue to live with that child even, when he grows to adulthood! Indeed, some teddy bears live very long lives.
Refeeding Program for Patients With Extreme Anorexia Nervosa
Can a compulsory, enteral re-feeding program for extremely underweight anorexia nervosa patients provide improved outcomes?
Panic Attack Natural Remedy: Things you can do in the Absence of Medications
There are some panic attack natural remedy treatments you can try if your medications fail you. Panic attacks can strike anytime, anywhere. If you suffer from such condition, you need to have medicati
Help With Dyslexia
More and more people are being diagnosed with Dyslexia nowadays. So more and more people are looking for information, help and advice on how to deal with this learning difficulty.
Is Johnny's Primary Handicap a Learning Disability Or ADHD?
This the fourth article in a series describing a sequence of interventionsoffered to a student identified with inattention and under performance in the classroom.The article describes inattention as a product of learning disabilities, lower cognitive ability, or ADHD.Special education testing is nec