Health & Medical Mental Health

Panic Attacks While Driving - Stop the Panic Attacks While Driving in Their Tracks!

Did you ever get lightheaded, with sweaty palms, dizzy and with your heart pumping adrenaline like an overdosed drug addict, suddenly while you're in your car driving?

Panic Attack While Driving is a relatively common form of anxiety panic attack. It's spreading more and more in the recent years, and sadly it touches younger and younger people as well.

There are two types of things you can do regarding panic attacks while driving

  1. Avoid Panic Attacks while driving

  2. Deal with Panic Attacks while driving

As you might guess, the first type is the one you should be aiming for.

Here are a couple of things you might want to do, to avoid anxiety attacks while driving. Not having it in the first place is thousand times better than having to deal with it once it's there, don't you agree?

  • If you have a CD you enjoy listening to, put it on while you're driving, and simply relax and enjoy it

  • Have some fruit or light snack with you whenever you are driving, so you can give your body something else to do besides pumping you full with adrenaline.

  • Avoid thinking about driving. Take your mind off it. Think about the scenery ahead and around you. Think of pleasant thoughts, things to look forward to later on during the day.

Now let's say the panic attack is about to grip you, based on the symptoms that you already know that come with the attack. So what can you do NOW?

  • If you can, pull your car over. And if you can, get out of your car and take some deep and slow breath to clear your lungs and fill them with fresh air. If you can't get out of the car because of the road specifics, just open the window, lean out a bit and take that full breath of fresh air.

  • Make sure you have a bottle of water with you. You can always sip a bit, or if you have some anxiety pills, although I really seldom recommend them, well, now it might be a good time to pop one in your mouth. These pills are usually a fast, quick fix. Just make sure they won't interfere with your driving afterwards!

  • Use positive affirmations over and over again. Something like: - "I am calm, alert and in full control while driving." should work just fine.

Besides these tips, there are a few more things you can do about panic attack while driving. Read more about them at <a title="my squidoo page" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/661456');" href="/links/?u=">my squidoo page</a>

or <a title="my squidoo page" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/661456');" href="/links/?u=!&id=1717597">here</a>

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