Health & Medical Mental Health

Healing With Matrix Reimprinting - Treating The Root Cause Of An Allergy

Stress Related Illnesses And Matrix Reimprinting It's a similar situation with our body - many stress-related illnesses are directly related to trauma in early life and the negative beliefs that this trauma creates.
Matrix Reimprinting, as it's based on EFT, is a very quick way of resolving trauma.
But Karl Dawson realisedwas it could be used to heal early-life trauma as well as the negative beliefs that trauma creates.
So Matrix Reimprinting now concentrates on the depths of these early life beliefs and how they connect with every part of our lives.
I'll give you a quick example from Karl's work.
Matrix Reimprinting And Allergies One particular girl Karl worked with had an allergy.
Matrix Reimprinting has a technique where we tune in to the symptoms and it usually takes us back to specific memories.
With this lady, the specific memory we first found was of her being 16 years old and she was in the park and she went up to a group of guys in a car and says "I'll have sex with you if you give me drugs".
That was the first memory.
I then used a technique in Matrix Reimprinting to use the emotion to go back to an earlier memory.
We went to an earlier memory where she was nine years old and she had stolen some cigarettes and she said to one of the boys in the class, "Oh let's sneak out and have a cigarette".
She got caught.
We then went back further in time.
The First Related Memory We got back to a memory when she was three years old and she was in the garden with a cousin who was also three and she says "Let's strip off and we'll do a wee and we'll wipe ourselves with these leaves.
" At that point her mother comes out and says to her, "You dirty girl, you're a bad girl you shouldn't be doing that.
" So in that moment, she created a belief that she was a bad girl.
And at that age we aren't able to logically reason whether that's correct or not, we just accept what influential adults tell us.
So as far as she was concerned she was now a bad girl.
The Result Of This Belief We had uncovered just three events from her life, but there are obviously a huge amount more.
But in each situation after the initial one, she has always recreated the situation of being a bad girl - she does what bad girls do.
She was always recreating leading boys astray and interestingly there's also always a leaf involved.
The first one had garden leaves, the second one cigarettes - made of course from leaves - the third one marijuana leaves.
This is an illustration of the depths we go to, to attract those things to us - we just do it subconsciously and we are completely unaware consciously of it.
As long as these beliefs are in our unconscious from our childhood that's what we'll do.
Matrix Reimprinting Gives You New Choices Matrix Reimprinting is about more than just resolving the initial trauma.
We look at what was the belief and decision you made that day.
When we find that, we get to these other similar events where you can just go back earlier and earlier and you see these patterns of belief that connects them all.
Once we identify them, we can reassess them as an adult, and draw more realistic conclusions.
This realisation and healing allows us to generate more helpful behaviours instead of the old, pre-programmed responses we enacted.
Matrix Reimprinting And Behaviour Around Money In terms of our money behaviours, it's surprising just how often an early life traumatic event can affect our self-worth.
People can believe they are not worthy of abundant wealth, they're not worthy of financial reward, and so will act in accordance with those beliefs.
These beliefs then generate unhelpful behaviours that may include overspending, gambling, not saving for the future or self-sabotaging their financial success.
The great news is that we can uncover these early life events through Matrix Reimprinting and re-evaluate those belief to come up with more constructive behaviour.

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