Health & Medical Mental Health

Disadvantages to Smoking Cigarettes


    • The National Cancer Institute reports that there are 50 known cancer-causing agents in tobacco smoke, including toxic metals and gases. Smoking is the leading cause of cancer and cancer-related deaths, and it has been linked to stomach, throat, mouth, kidney, bladder, blood and lung cancer.

    Respiratory Disease

    • Cigarette smoking causes lung disease and respiratory problems such as emphysema and bronchitis. Cigarettes increase the production of mucus that builds up in the lungs, leading to cough, pneumonia and irritation and inflammation of the lungs.

    Cardiovascular Disease

    • According to the American Heart Association, cigarette smoking is extremely damaging to the heart. Smoking narrows the blood vessels while also increasing blood pressure, the build up of fatty materials in the arteries and the tendency of blood to clot. The CDC reports that cigarette smoking raises the risk of coronary heart disease two to four times compared with nonsmokers.

    Pregnancy and Childbirth

    • Women who smoke might have problems conceiving, and those who smoke cigarettes while pregnant are at risk for early delivery and low-weight babies. When a woman continues to smoke after she gives birth, she increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) for her child.

    Premature Wrinkles

    • Cigarette smoke narrows the blood vessels in the skin, restricting oxygen and nutrients. This process causes the skin to sag and wrinkle prematurely. The longer a person smokes, the more likely she is to develop wrinkles on her face as well as other parts of her body, such as the inner arms.

    Oral Health

    • The tar and nicotine in cigarettes causes teeth to yellow. Smoking might also lead to periodontal disease, cavities and tooth loss.

    Loss of Smell and Taste

    • The chemicals in cigarettes can change the shape of taste buds and dull them to the different flavors of food. Smoking also affects your nasal passages, making it more difficult to detect and differentiate odors.

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